Xbox360 repair time line, part 5


Shared on Thu, 12/20/2007 - 22:24
So I have learned an important lesion about shipping companies yesterday.  UPS will update their tracking site in almost real time.  When activity happens the updates hit their web site.  This allows package stalkers like myself the gratification of really tracking a package across the country.  FedEx on the other had, will only update their tracking page once a day with the activity for that day.  This leads to a great deal of frustration for a package stalker.

Also it would appear that Microsoft trucks repaired units to Ft. Worth as FedEx takes them in batches from there.

As such, although I was given a tracking number on the 17th, FexEx didn't acknowledge that the tracking number existed until the 18th and the package didn't actually enter the system and start traveling home until the 19th.

I really hope FexEx delivers on Christmas Eve...


BKVic's picture
Submitted by BKVic on Fri, 12/21/2007 - 08:19
I can understand your pain, the FedEx tracking system sucks big time.That being said I did recieve my 360 this mourning at 830 which makes me a very happy person as I can now go out and do some Christmas shopping!

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