
Shared on Fri, 12/21/2007 - 11:38
What the hell is wrong with companies these days?  I called my ISP, which is a local company, with a problem.  My connection keeps dropping at least once a day while I am either gaming or browsing the Internet.  So I called my ISP, which again is a local company, and after 5 minutes of surfing the menus I get someone to help me.  And who do I get?  Some person from India who can't speak English for shit.  I hate asking someone repeatedly what they just said.   I also hate explaining to someone a problem, and all they do to help me is read from a fucking script.  Just send someone over to fix my damn problem if all you can do is tell me to unplug my modem, after I just told you that I did that, and rebooted my computer.  No wonder I can't find a job.


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