Back from the Gym


Shared on Sat, 01/05/2008 - 11:53

Just got home from the gym a little while ago. Had some lunch. Oh, yeh, Lost over 1/2 lb last week. Nah, I don't pay too much attention to that. I know weight fluctuates up and down a pound or so.

MJ's fitness forum is doing well. I am a team motivator! Yay team! I also have my own team forum. Nice. We also have a team motivator forum that is private to the rest of the members. We have noticed that there are lurkers on the forum, people that have signed up and not posted or asked to join a team. Curiosity? A little shy? Who knows. The reward for signing up is getting to see the pics thread. Ha! MJ is there, and so am I. Nuff said about that.

I was having quite an argument with my inner child at the gym this morning. Ahhh, she is soooo bad! It is like having the devil sitting on one shoulder, and an angel on the other. This little girl wants what she wants! Well, I had to smack her around a little bit, and she may behave for a while. or not.


TDrag27's picture
Submitted by TDrag27 on Sat, 01/05/2008 - 13:01
I'm going to make an post for the lurkers to let them know that they can sign up if they want to read the read the rest of the public forums even if they don't want to join a team...This morning we had more lurkers than members reading!

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