Shared on Tue, 01/15/2008 - 11:19I am staying upstairs! Eek! Hubby is tearing up the floor in the kitchen, looking for the leak. My experience has been that I need to be goooone when he is doing a distasteful job. Which is just about any job! Course, I've heard that language before......
The spot is getting bigger, and bigger, and still no clue to where the leak might be. It's a good thing I have vertigo for an excuse or he would have put me to work a long time ago. And, better yet, I work the next 3 days. Best excuse ever! I'd rather go to work with the dizzies than be tearing up that floor! Ohhhh, I need to get a life. It's pretty bad when I have to blog about stuff like this.......

- pearly_54's blog
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