Big booo-urns


Shared on Fri, 01/25/2008 - 08:46

Vitamin C: Check

Chicken Noodle soup for Breakfast: Check

Nap when Erica naps? Let's hope so.

As you may be able to tell, I think I'm getting sick. I've been fighting it for a few days, but it's catching up with me. I'm cold and my throat hurts: that's how it always starts with me.

So for Caturday I may be in bed sleeping, knitting and just hanging out until around 8PM: then it's COD! Lux Draconis is trying to set up a Meet the Neighbours party. Basically its very casual, but you try to get people on line and playing with people from 2o2p that they never would have before. It's more casual thant he meet n greet nights and it should be pretty fun. I am loving that game more than I thought I would. I just got martyrdom: hopefully I can finally rack up some kills!

Erica is learning to play by herself quite well, although it's tough. I feel bad in a way. Sometimes I think I have to interact with her at all times, entertain her. But then I think that if I entertain her always, how will she develop her own imagination? No matter how creative you are, you are no match for a small child. They have no inhibitions, no set rules on how play should be. And this is a wonderful thing. If I, as an adult continue to be her only source of entertainment, she will never know that type of creativity. It's a fine balance: helping them out, reading and playing with them when they need you (it takes me a long time to write a blog: I am constantly going to see her) and just letting them go. Letting them figure out their own problems (right now she is upset: she can't get into her "purse", I let her try for a few minutes, then went to help her), if you are constantly hovering over them, you never let them grow up.

That said: Mom and Dad are babies first friend they will ever have. You are the one who shows them how a good person acts. And playing with her is a joy. Reading to children is important for later growth, being with them makes them feel safe. So: it's just that balance that I strive for. Some days I feel like I've made it, some days... not so much.

I have been lax regarding Mount Rushmore. Any ideas for some great topics?

Have a fantastic weekend: if you want in on the Meet the Neighbours, let me or Lux Draconis know!


Note: Morning Nap objective: Complete! We both got a good 1.5 hours.



LuxDraconis's picture
Submitted by LuxDraconis on Fri, 01/25/2008 - 08:56
My girls grew up fast.. You got the right idea, play with her, don't hover. My girls had each other too, so they are ahead in creative. Thanks for putting out there about the Meet the neighbors. It should be fun.... I hope you better so you can play.
SamuraiCoder's picture
Submitted by SamuraiCoder on Fri, 01/25/2008 - 09:20
Cat, my son just turned 5. He was always asking my wife to hold him and carry him everywhere. She did. He doesn't do that anymore. He plays with his trains and makes up the most amazing stories. All by himself. We have a 6 year old daughter and they play together often. It's his alone play that is the most imaginative. They grow and change and sometimes it has little to do with how you play with them.

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