
Shared on Wed, 01/30/2008 - 22:50

Back to my Xbox live issues........I buy a prepaid 3 month card, try to enter it, via internet, cuz I cant get online through the box, and It wouldn't take it.  So I call the 800 number, first thing I hear is that my repair issue is open and will be resolved in 1 to 2 weeks.  Funny thing about that is that it was taken care of November 19th of last year.........then I finally get to a "real" person, a middle eastern named "Susan", after wasting 15 minutes of my life listening to her repeat everything I say 22 times, she actually transfers me to who I really need to talk to, a Habibish guy named "David".

David tells me my account has been suspended and has an outstanding balance of $20.  I said I closed the account, how can you charge an account that has been canceled, he mumbles some broken ass english I can't understand and basically says I have to pay off the $20 with a credit or debit card, or a prepaid card with a cc logo on it.

How many fucking ways can Microsoft and Xbox an Xbox live fucking bleed money from us?  I knew that my bank account was cancelled, and I knew that I would have to change my payment options, and I got the email telling me that my live account was expiring, I didnt tell them to fucking charge me for another 21/2 months.  Then they want to rape us with new maps for 2 year old games (GRAW 2) act now and pay out the ass, or just wait 6 months and save your money.  Fuck you Microsoft you money grubbing fucks.  I just wish Playstation was worth a shit anymore, and I would jump back on their ship.FUUUUCCCCCKKKKKK!!!!!!

So here I sit with a useless 3 month prepaid card, no XBox Live, and yet another establishment I am in debt with.......FUCKING YAY!!!!!



ekattan's picture
Submitted by ekattan on Thu, 01/31/2008 - 06:52
Sons of bitches. I heard never to give out your credit card to M$, if you do so they will keep charging and charging you even if you try repeatedly to close your account, just like AOL tactics. Doesn't this and the RROD really make you think about a PS3? My second 360 just crapped out and I'm seriously thinking about buying a Ps3 and forgetting about this M$ bullshit. I love playing Halo3 but having to pay $60 a year and having my console crap out every year and pay sometimes $100 to get it fixed just isn't worth it.

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