Weirdest 24 hours ever


Shared on Thu, 01/31/2008 - 17:29
Sometimes there are those spans of time that if I ever get famous and write an autobiography, this would be one of them, either for the most bizarre things to happen.  I guess the story starts last week, when I bought Rock Band.  I get the bundle home and tear into it like a little kid on Christmas morning.  When I get to my guitar, its rattling inside, the fret buttons and strum bar are messed up, and I have to get a coffin for it.  Coffin comes Tuesday, its UPS, now, the closest UPS drop off from my house is the Staples I used to work at and quit because after the 4th management change in 2 years brought us an arrogant a-hole who talked behind all of our backs, so 3 or 4 people, myself included, gave notice the same day just to screw him over.  And yesterday I had to basically go back into the hell hole.  I get up, throw my hoodie on, grab my box and go.  I pull up, don't see the a-hole's car, so I decide its somewhat safe to go in, figuring with the way the turnover was in the store, virtually a whole new staff every 6 months, I am in, out, bing bang boom, or so I thought.  I go in, throw my hood over my head, and put the guitar over my shoulder covering my face, thinking I have the perfect crime.  Of course, Al and the perfect plan, never happens.  I see an old manager there who actually I didn't hate at the copy center, where as soon as she saw me, it was over.  I got slammed by 4-5 former co-workers, all asking me if I am coming back, asking how I am doing, and asking for Wiis, which seems to be the one question everybody asks me working at a game store, and it took me a good hour because it seems like everybody wanted to talk to me.  Of course, they are saying the a-hole is probably going to leave soon, and they all want me to come back.  Seriously, you would think sitting there in a tech office playing DS, Game Boy Advance and basically doing nothing would be punished, not begged for a comeback tour.  It was weird getting the rock star treatment, I kinda almost pulled out a pen and started signing autographs I got mobbed so bad.
Now we go to later that afternoon, getting Christmas from my buddies this year has been painful, with hectic schedules and trips to other continents.  One of my buddies called me yesterday asking me what games I wanted, and saying he had a special gift for me.  I mentioned cool, because I just dropped some cash on the 512 MB memory unit the day before the conversation took place, since my hard drive failed during the line outage.  My buddies' quote "If you were standing next to me, I would punch you in the mouth, since thats what I got you you asshole."  Now, honestly, thats kinda funny.  My friends say I am hard to buy for, because I rent and play so many games and beat them quickly thats it hard for people to shop for me.  But now, I can't even buy an accessory for my system without me now getting cussed out.

Even last night at the store, I was actually talking to a girl without making a fool out of myself, even though she almost ran me over in the parking lot.  XM Radio has the NHL rights, and the Ducks were playing the Wild last night, now the cool thing is with XM is it shows the score of the game on the LCD screen.  So, I figure around 8 ish last night, run to the car quick quick and check a score while the store was dead.  Again, simple plan, right?  WRONG AGAIN!  I am about to get the my car and all of a sudden a car whips around and almost turns me into car meat.  In my head I am just like "Burnout, play less of it" to the person driving, check the score, and the kick in the nuts of the Ducks losing 3-0.  I get back to the store start cleaning, and the girl driving the car.  I finish cleaning up the store to make it look good, and she bring up her purchase, I ring her out, and we are talking about CoD4 since my buddy is playing it in the store trying to hammer it out on Veteran, and she is mentioning how her and her roommate has a Cube and a 360, the Cube is for the kiddie games when you want to have fun and a 360 down stairs when you just need to kill something.  That last line to me is basically a way for a girl to turn me into putty, as I love killing stuff in games as much as the next guy.  Then we are talking about Dave and Buster's shooting games and DDR.  Now, I told her the same thing I tell everybody when they ask me if I play DDR. I have had two knee surgeries, and the last thing I want to do is end up on You Tube with a video titled something like "LOL broken leg" or something like that and somebody sees me playing DDR and said left knee decides to get hurt again.  She laughed and we were having a good time until the store got busy, including a regular who said "Oh my god your making Al laugh," and even was like "Dude, you were talking to a girl, I have never seen you do that."  She said she would be back, hopefully its a day when I am working.

So now today I am thinking today will be normal and I can get the stuff I need for my Pats Super Bowl Bash.  I bet my friends at the beginning of the year if the Pats got into the Bowl, I was going to sport a Wes Welker jersey, and I am a man of my word.  So this morning I go to Modell's since they usually have the best selection of Pats jerseys, and as I pull in a ton of fire trucks and cop cars pull in.  A pet store next to it I guess had an electrical fire or something.  I see a bunch of dogs in the lot and I see Modell's is open for business.  Walk in, look at the jerseys.  They don't have a blue one in my size, only medium, which I haven't been able to fit in in about 20 years, so I settle for the white one.  As soon as the cashiers goes to ring it, lights go out and register goes down.  Luckilly I got 15% off my purchase a few hours later, so a nice deal for dumb luck.  Of course some people were being pissy, but as somebody who has worked retail for a decade, I know how it is, I just smiled, cracked some jokes, talked football and relaxed and went a few hours later.


jikado's picture
Submitted by jikado on Thu, 01/31/2008 - 18:17
Have you seen highlights of the Ducks game? Guigere ducked on Rolstons slapshot! Hilarious! Go Wild! Other than that, sounds like quite an adventurous day.
Aldogg's picture
Submitted by Aldogg on Thu, 01/31/2008 - 18:38
Yeah, I seen the highlights. Shocked Jiggy made a slip that bad, I think he misread it coming off the stick. 4 losses in a row after 11-2-2 since Scotty came back, we need to pick it up for sure.

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