

Shared on Sun, 02/03/2008 - 10:39

I'm a step-father. 

And it's alot harder than I thought it would be.

There are lot's of us out there, and we all have different difficulties when it comes to being "the step-dad".    I don't have any kids of my own, so I can only imagine how stressful that can be.

But, I find myself in this wierd grey-colored place.   I try to take clues as how to act from the way I was raised by my father.  But I was mostly raised by my mother.  My father worked for General Electric working overtime night shifts for most of my life, he worked from 7pm to 7am each night except for Saturday nights I think.  I remember one point in time when they needed money so much he actually worked 49 days straight 12 or 10 hour shifts.

What I learned most from my dad about being a father didn't come from him teaching me how to throw a ball or teaching me about sports.  He wasn't there for that sort of thing, but I learned young the real lesson that he showed me.  And it took me a while, hell even now I am still interpreting it.  He taught me this:  Do what you have to do for your family, above yourself". 

That's a hard lesson to actually live up to.  He worked for GE for close to 40 years, he wore down his bones and tested his will through shear endurance all his life so that both me and my older sister didn't have to work our way through college.  We didn't have everything we always wanted, but we never truly wanted for anything either.

That's what I learned from my dad, which to me is a bigger more important thing than teaching me about football.  Or how to change my oil.  (These things I learned in my late 20'

So as far as this step-father thing goes, I am learning as I go.

I don't have the real impact a biological father has.  Hell mini-Baine's biological father talks to him maybe once every other week and visits maybe once a month or so.  He is a dirt bag.  Mini-Baine doesn't really listen to me the way he listens to his mother, and that's really fine.  My wife is a good wife, she takes my side when she see's him being disrespectful or not being a good-listener.

I have heard all kinds of advice.  Everything from "act like he is your son" to " don't get involved in punishments" and everything in between.  All coming from good peopel trying to give good advice, but they don't live in my house with my family, so they can't really give advice that works.

I have learned that I can't be someone that I am not when it comes to the boy, he is 9 and can see through BS already.   He has alot of similar aspects to my personality, so we tend to clash once or twice a week.  We end up feeding off each other.  Its just how it is.  

My conclusion, I can't not be the person I am, I act how I act and I do what I can.  I do everything I can to make sure him and his mother are as happy as I can.  I work alot, I work hard.  

I can't mold him into a person, he is his own person already.  All I can do is try to lead by example and hope that someday, he can say he learned something from me and the way I am today and tomorrow.

Its hard, being the "step" father.


JUSTKILLME2's picture
Submitted by JUSTKILLME2 on Mon, 02/11/2008 - 10:08
I have 4 older boy now all in there twenty's and 2 that are only mine I have never shyer away from disciplinal but I have never told them to call me dad or anything or made them I have always been there to help I have always mad sure the got to spend time with there Bio-father ( even played for the ticket) I came into the family when the oldest was 9 and they will always test you at that age when they (your not my Father) respond with I will never be But I will always be here for just the same you can win the small battles only with the support of the mom You two need to talk more then anything and let your support and discipline and love for him be seamless they need to be able to come to ether of you for anything and expect the same answers they will test the both of you as mom and dad and try to pit each of you against one anther too m my boys are grown and I have 3 grand kids they will see when they turn around 21 that you have always been there for them if all you do is work 80 hours a week and never see them You will be missing so much of there life you need to make the time with them not just for them But you will need it later Even if every sunday you take them to lunch and a walk in the park or just talk if they need if you let her be the only parnest it will be like you are stealing her time from him And most of all never ever call a name or cut down or degrade he's Bio-dad because remember you are not trying to take his spot but you are trying to be there for him but you must have a comon ground Maybe take turns on deciding where or what you do You will never be as proud when they grow and later come back and thank you for always being there for them I know and when the succeed ( I got to pin my sons Ranger tab) ( watch two of them get the deputy bage ) and (one be the manger of his own store) I am a man but all four time You may have seen a tear or two in my eyes I have two left to raise one 11 and one 12
SGTDuff's picture
Submitted by SGTDuff on Mon, 02/11/2008 - 12:33
I'm with Just on this one. Be there. Be accountable. Be a parent.
KuruptU4Fun's picture
Submitted by KuruptU4Fun on Sun, 02/03/2008 - 10:46
To be honest Baine, having step parents of my own, one who was there, and another who couldn't care less. I'd offer this as advice, eventually mini-Baine is gonna see his father for what he is. Then he's gonna start looking for a role model. When he does, be there to be that role model...
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Sun, 02/03/2008 - 10:46
Been there, done that myself. I hope your step kid isn't a problem child, you made no mention of it so I assume he's a normal 9 year old. Mine was a problem child with lots of behaviour problems which just made an already stressful tense situation even more brutal. At any rate i'm glad it's over and I survived it. Not something i would ever do again. Hell, i never even want kids of my own now.
Baine's picture
Submitted by Baine on Sun, 02/03/2008 - 10:49
He has his let's call them :"quirks"
DragonsFairy83's picture
Submitted by DragonsFairy83 on Sun, 02/03/2008 - 10:54
I won't try to give you any advice. You are a good man Baine and I give you a ton of credit.
RivalJJH's picture
Submitted by RivalJJH on Sun, 02/03/2008 - 10:56
Speaking as a fellow step-dad, I say hang in there. And if you need to vent, just drop a PM. You, my friend, are a Golden God.
Falelorn's picture
Submitted by Falelorn on Sun, 02/03/2008 - 10:57
well I have step parents and my sister is a step mom to a now pregnant 18 year old girl (way to go dumb ass).. and the only real thing I can say is this.. you will make mistakes, they will act hateful at times or if not hateful disrespectful to see how far they can push you.. but in the end my biological father (aka the sperm donor) has not been around for 2 decades and my step father is more of a father then he ever was.. and he never tried too hard or too little he just let things happen..
Durty's picture
Submitted by Durty on Sun, 02/03/2008 - 11:24
I hated my step father growing up, I was horrible to him in so many ways, and as an adult I feel so ashamed of the way I acted. But, I felt like if I was nice to him or if I loved him that it would make my (real) dad not want to be around me even more. I didn't see my father once from the time I was 4 until I was 14, and then I didn't see him again until I was 21...I haven't seen him since. So until I 'grew up' and figured out that my step-dad wasn't the problem, my mom wasn't the problem and I wasn't the problem...I treated him like crap. I now realize that my father is a piece of shit who has no heart for his two oldest children....he never did and I don't know why I ever allowed myself to think so. My 'step-father' is my Daddy now, I love him more than I could ever express. Even when I was mean to him he always loved me, and he has always been there for me...we have still had our ups and downs...but that is just a parent child relationship. I am so glad my mom found him and brought him into our lives....I wouldn't be the person I am now if it wasn't for him. There is no advice sounds like you are doing a fine job.
ImaginaryEngr76's picture
Submitted by ImaginaryEngr76 on Sun, 02/03/2008 - 12:14
Great post. As you've already figured out, there's no right or wrong answer to what to do in your situation. A lot of how much of a "dad" role you play is going to depend on a wide variety of factors - how involved his biological father is, how involved your wife wants you to be, and how involved your step-son wants you to be. I think Kurupt said it best - if his biological father is a poor role model, he's going to figure that out in the upcoming years, and your need to become more "dad-like" will become more apparent. But it's great that you're taking the whole aspect of being a step-father very seriously - there are a lot of unfortunate kids out there that aren't so lucky.
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 02/03/2008 - 12:31
Be honest and stay in the background. Treat them with respect, and let mom handle discipline. The kids will eventually seek you out when they are ready. Patience is key. My kids hate their step-dad because he tried to be dad. And I think you will do fine because you are aware.
rabbmasterflash's picture
Submitted by rabbmasterflash on Sun, 02/03/2008 - 14:33
just when I was getting over being gay for you, you big softy

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