

Shared on Fri, 03/07/2008 - 16:03

Man, I hate when this happens!  I wrote a whole blog, longer than my usual, and LOST IT!!!  I dunno what I did, but it disappeared, and now I have run out of steam. 

Oh, the Places You'll Go!

I luv Dr. Seuss........


jasontroyhimself's picture
Submitted by jasontroyhimself on Sat, 08/11/2007 - 06:58
Take care TT.. We'll be anxious for your return.
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Sat, 08/11/2007 - 07:06
Take care an if you end up in NC look me up.
CapnHun's picture
Submitted by CapnHun on Sat, 08/11/2007 - 07:50
Hope you found your keys then (sorry couldn't resist).
GIJoeBob's picture
Submitted by GIJoeBob on Sat, 08/11/2007 - 07:52
Send me a PM if you are in the East Texas area.
Devonsangel's picture
Submitted by Devonsangel on Sat, 08/11/2007 - 08:14
Have a safe trip!
H2Daddy's picture
Submitted by H2Daddy on Sat, 08/11/2007 - 08:34
Have fun TT.
h8z_u_all's picture
Submitted by h8z_u_all on Sat, 08/11/2007 - 10:46
Good games last night buddy cya when you get back
stang503421's picture
Submitted by stang503421 on Sat, 08/11/2007 - 12:40
Have fun TT!!! Do you have your "Road Trip" mix tape loaded up? That tape, a bag of beef jerky, and a dr. pepper - that's all you need when you're out on the road! See you when you get back buddy....
J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Mon, 08/17/2009 - 19:05
phttththththt. Don't let jerkwads get ya down.
Jennifer's picture
Submitted by Jennifer on Mon, 08/17/2009 - 19:16
Really don't let people get you down I for one enjoy reading your blogs even if I never comment.
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Mon, 08/17/2009 - 19:56
No one ever signs out :( they just don't go any where. So write more :)
meemoos's picture
Submitted by meemoos on Mon, 08/17/2009 - 21:45
what did I miss? PM please so I can kick some ass!! be afraid everyone, be afraid!!!!!
Durty's picture
Submitted by Durty on Mon, 08/17/2009 - 22:16
Sorry I missed this morning, had I seen it I would have totally had your back, hon. Don't worry about the bitches, they are only a couple in a sea of many that love the hell out of you. Fuck em. Hard. In the face. With a giant dildo. Love you!!
DrStrange's picture
Submitted by DrStrange on Mon, 08/17/2009 - 22:43
Gee, if i knew that's all it would take, I wudda ... sooner...er ...nm ..... what Meemoos and Durty said!
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Fri, 03/07/2008 - 16:24
That's happened to me a few times before as well. The blog text entry box doesn't store what you've typed until you hit submit. So if you accidentally hit the forward or backward button and then hit the reverse direction to get back to the blog post, everything you posted is gone. Stupid thing is... it usually remembers the title of your blog.
hilskie's picture
Submitted by hilskie on Mon, 08/17/2009 - 23:27
Now that I've read what is going on...I want to kick a couple of ass-hats right where between the legs...maybe they'll have to take a trip to the ER to have scrotum extraction surgery..then tell me how much you don't need a nurse!!
hilskie's picture
Submitted by hilskie on Mon, 08/17/2009 - 23:27
PS - Don't go Pearly...and by the way...don't thank people for that kind of feedback...you deserve way better than that! Lots of luvs!!!
Rob's picture
Submitted by Rob on Tue, 08/18/2009 - 02:11
Pearly, don't let them get the best of you. As Meemoos put it, "f you don't work in health care then SHUT your fucking mouth!!" Sometimes work can be very stressful that we need a release. Hell, sometimes we need the internet for our jobs. (You know how many prescription drugs out there have more than two names?) Don't let some idiots get you down.
MEP46's picture
Submitted by MEP46 on Tue, 08/18/2009 - 07:36
Don't go Pearly I read your blogs all the time and if some of these people read your blogs they would know the trouble you have getting time of but there will always be an ass-hat that doesn't know what the F they are talking about
MEP46's picture
Submitted by MEP46 on Tue, 08/18/2009 - 07:37
Don't go Pearly I read your blogs all the time and if some of these people read your blogs they would know the trouble you have getting time off but there will always be an ass-hat that doesn't know what the F they are talking about
MEP46's picture
Submitted by MEP46 on Tue, 08/18/2009 - 07:39
sorry for the double post
H2Daddy's picture
Submitted by H2Daddy on Tue, 08/18/2009 - 07:49
Don't let people get to you. Some people are just sour.
Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Tue, 08/18/2009 - 09:35
you better not go anywhere. big daddy is here, i read what those fuckers said in your last blog. PM's sent to those ass clowns. the important thing is you know your friends stand behind you 100%, your always going to have a couple people with a screw loose. i say f them, if they kept up with your blog they would know the reason around you doing what you did to come to the lan. instead they chose to be assclowns. i heart u, stay around please
BlowMonkey's picture
Submitted by BlowMonkey on Tue, 08/18/2009 - 10:11
stick around! they aren't worth your trouble - keep doing all the good you do in the world!
SPARHAWK25's picture
Submitted by SPARHAWK25 on Tue, 08/18/2009 - 10:51
Honestly Pearly, there are going to be people disagree with just about anything you blog. Ignore the ones the cross the line. You are a very sweet & caring woman...rant anytime.
godWHYme's picture
Submitted by godWHYme on Tue, 08/18/2009 - 10:54
Ok so as someone has no idea who pearly is, can I ask is there a blog that Is deleted now, or is this the response to wilderz one comment on her previous blog? Or was there more that is now gone?
Saithme's picture
Submitted by Saithme on Tue, 08/18/2009 - 11:00
Don't let them get you down. F**k 'em if they can't take a joke. I'm a lurker, but I've enjoyed reading your posts. BTW, my mom was a nurse, my wife is a nurse.... in fact, half my extended family is in heath care and the other half is in education.
XValue's picture
Submitted by XValue on Tue, 08/18/2009 - 11:23
what godWHYme said. If it's just Wilderz, who gives a fuck. The other 99% of this community can stand a ranting blog or two. fuck 'em, pearly. ....you faked an emergency to go to LAN? that's epic. rawk on!
rumbagod's picture
Submitted by rumbagod on Tue, 08/18/2009 - 12:15
what everyone else said, times infinity ;)

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