Hookers and Hookering


Shared on Thu, 03/13/2008 - 08:38
I know that I'm a day late and a dollar short when it comes to the Spitzer hooker thing.  I've been away for a few days and I'm sure there are already threads covering all aspects of it.  I'd like to throw my hat in the ring  anyway and ask a question that some of you wonderful people can answer.

I'm not necessarily advocating prostitution, but in the good year of our lord 2008, why does the government still regulate sexual activity?  If you can fuck other men, goats, whatever....why can I not pay for sex with a woman?  What comes to my mind is Roe v. Wade.  A woman has the right to control her body to the extent that she can kill a living thing inside her.  With that in mind, why can she not control her body as she likes and have sex for money?  Maybe those concepts are farther apart than I think, but maybe they're not. 

Is it because the government hasn't found a way to tax it it, or simply because its been on the books since the beginning of time and that's just the way it is?  I'm sure that it is still a "sin" by popular opinion but is that enough of a reason for it to be illegal?  It really seems like a strange "crime" since it isn't hurting or killing anyone and its not stealing anything....

Enlighten me


Deman267's picture
Submitted by Deman267 on Thu, 03/13/2008 - 09:00
Well....in aperfect society,where all the girls were volunteers,maybe it should be legal.But alot of the sex workers out there were forced into it and the spread of diseases figures into it too.Also,I think it's not really a "victimless crime"....what about Mrs.Spitzer?And their two daughters?
Baine's picture
Submitted by Baine on Thu, 03/13/2008 - 09:10
Those were my tax dollars at work.
Onesimos's picture
Submitted by Onesimos on Thu, 03/13/2008 - 09:49
Isn't the bigger issue in Spitzer's case, that he vehomently prosecuted hookers and pimps while he was the AG?
kewljoe's picture
Submitted by kewljoe on Thu, 03/13/2008 - 08:44
I think the church and all religious fanatics would have a MAJOR fit if the goverment looked upon prostitution as something legal therefore condoning it. I know church and state are supposed to be separate but they rarely are in politics ANYTHING you do is game.

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