A nod to Nintendo.


Shared on Mon, 03/24/2008 - 09:26
A nod to Nintendo? you ask.... yes. I nod to Nintendo. Why? For the Wii.
Alot of you, including Codemonkey, knew of my disdain for this console and exactly what I thought about it. If you had of asked me six months ago if I was gonna get a Wii, I would have laughed at you.

With the Gamecube, I loved Smash Bros. So naturally you'd think that Brawl would entice me to the Nintendo camp. Thats only partly right. For me to drop $250 on a console...I need more than 1 reason. So I did some research on what got high ratings. 3 more games popped out: Mario Galaxy, No More Heroes, and Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles. So now I had my reasons....and so the search for a Wii began.

I searched for all of a week; keeping an eye on ebay or Target ads. I went into gamestop every evening after work and popped the question "Got any Wii's?". And it was always met with a "nope...sorry."

That was alright...I didn't have my heart and soul invested in it or anything. It was just to play something different.

Forward to last Friday. I ended up leaving work early and going to lunch with a good friend of mine. Afterwards I hit up Gamestop to get a PSP so I could softmod it and put some emulators on it. Then the idea hit....ask for a Wii.

So I did....and they had JUST opened a box of them. So I slammed my hand on the counter and yelled "I'LL TAKE ONE!"
As the clerk was in the back grabbing a console, I skimmed through the game wall and snagged a couple of titles, an extra Wiimote & nunchuck, and memory card.

So I am now the proud owner of a Nintendo Wii. And so far its been worth every penny.

It's different. And thats why I like it.

As soon as I find out what it is, I'll post my Wii friend code.

While its not as "hardcore" as the SNES was way back in the day....as time goes on, things change. Not every console has to be "hardcore". Its all about the games. And the titles I snagged hit the right happy spots for me and are fun to play. And its honestly a nice change of pace from all the shooters that are out now.

Thats 2 out of 3 next-gen consoles. Next will be a PS3 once I get my $600 government "stimulation" check. Problem is I don't see any games for the PS3 that I wanna play right now...and I'm not too eager to drop cash on bluray discs right now either. Still way too pricey.

Gatsu OUT!


H2Daddy's picture
Submitted by H2Daddy on Mon, 03/24/2008 - 10:00
Got one for the kids for Christmas. I am just now finding the joy of it playing Super Smash Brother, Mario Galaxy, even Zelda. I'm liking it.
Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Mon, 03/24/2008 - 10:03
yeah I'll be getting Zelda, but it'll have to be the gamecube version I think. The Wii controls I don't care for for that game.
darth_chibius's picture
Submitted by darth_chibius on Mon, 03/24/2008 - 10:45
dont forget Metroid Prime 3, very overlooked game
Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Mon, 03/24/2008 - 12:27
I didnt like the Prime series. Its an platformer dressed in FPS clothing.
Shuttdown's picture
Submitted by Shuttdown on Wed, 04/02/2008 - 03:26
I am happy for you but I have to correct you on one thing. No More Heroes was a flaming turd. The style is good in theory but the game is broken by today's standards. I was duped an had a copy. I have since punch the guy that sold it to me in the taint every day since. He cries each and every time.

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