

Shared on Wed, 04/09/2008 - 18:29
As I was finishing my nightly walk with the Beast, I witnessed one of the saddest and funniest happenings in recent memory.

The neighbors down the street from me have two children. Their approximate ages are 23" and 35" tall (forgive me, I don't have a lot of experience with kids). They are both beautiful and well behaved. Each always waves to us and wants to pet the dog. The 23" one is in what I like to refer to as the "drunken midget" stage, coined as such as it vividly describes their recently-acquired ambulatory skills. When she sees the dog and me she starts running at full speed with a big smile on her face to come out and greet us. Well, evidently she's growing faster than she thought.


The poor child almost, but not quite allowed the garage door to raise high enough to permit her a clean exit. Instead she caught it squarely in the forehead. Her head's momentum was stopped instantaneously, but her body's momentum was enough to bring her around almost horizontally to the ground before gravity took over and dropped her unceremoniously on her back.

I rushed over and got to her about the same time her mother did. The child was so stunned she forgot to even cry. At least she did for exactly two seconds before she saw the look of panic on the two adults faces, then she screamed bloody-murder.

Fortunately, getting to pet a big, happy dog is excellent therapy. She quieted down quickly, and mom took her in to put some ice on her noggin.

And for those of you that think me an evil bastard, I did wait until they got inside before I let any giggles escape.


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