What are you putting in your mouth?


Shared on Thu, 04/10/2008 - 12:52
As I get older (no comments please) I'm beginning to read food labels and pay more attention to what I eat.  Still not as much as I should, but a little bit here and there.  It is amazing how bad 90% of the food out there is.  Maybe bad isn't right, but its definitely NOT good.  The sodium levels is off the charts on most food, and the saturated fat is close behind.

Add in the fact that many manufacturers reduce the size of a serving so that the stats look better and you may very well be eating your entire weekly value of some stuff.  When was the last time you were able to find a food that didn't begin with "High Fructose Corn Syrup?"

Now, from what I've read, much of this is because of consumer demand.  Basically, salt sells.  The manufacturers want to make money so they produce foods that overwhelm our North American palates with sugar, salt, fat and other flavoring agents.  While we claim that we want to eat healthy our buying decisions show that we clearly do not.

I'm not entirely sure whether or not it is a matter of not wanting to eat healthy or simply a lack of education/knowledge.  When my wife and I lived in the islands she worked with the locals in a lifestyle/weight management program and it was mind blowing.  These women didn't want to get below 200lbs lest their significant other find them unattractive.  They also didn't know that KFC food was FRIED!  There was no comprehension of the connection between diet/lifestyle and health problems and disability and diabetes.

Because of that knowledge issue many people are encouraging the Government to intercede.  They want more stringent labeling, perhaps banning of certain ingredients including trans fats...etc...

I'm really on the fence about this one.  It really isn't the Government's job to make all of our decisions for us and regulate stupidity.  But at the same time poor nutrition is crippling the healthcare of the nation.  Do we accept more legislation in exchange for the better good?  Or should this be taken care of by the free market economy, ie, insurance companies charge incredibly high premiums and then offer discounts for non-smokers, low LDLs and gym memberships etc?????

There would also have to be a HUGE campaign to educate the public.  Maybe this would be a good class to have in the public schools instead of basket weaving and how to get STDs.  Educate an entire generation who would then purchase food with discretion and intelligence...forcing manufacturers to change.

Another part of my frustration is kids food.  How does loading something with artificial colors, sweeteners, fat and sugar make something child friendly?? Next time you're out and some one asks you if you want the "kids" meal ask what it is...usually cookies, chips, cola or some other crap.  As children develop they should be eating the cleanest healthiest food possible not over advertised processed shit.  Thank you SFPOA (stupid fucking parents of America) for continuing to support and purchase these products.

Here is an article about a similar issue in Europe where they found that certain food colorings made kids hyperactive.  Interesting.  Maybe food is responsible for millions of U.S. Children on Riddalin and other medications......leading into the other conspiracy...Pharmaceuticals.


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