
Shared on Sun, 04/13/2008 - 19:03


BalekFekete's picture
Submitted by BalekFekete on Sun, 04/13/2008 - 19:07
False advertising! No monthly fee my ass...check my damn credit card statement.
jquack's picture
Submitted by jquack on Sun, 04/13/2008 - 21:44
I heard this has worse side effects than Sunburn or bruises from the PvP....
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Sun, 04/13/2008 - 22:57
No monthly fees my ass ! Most expensive game i've every played !
Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Sun, 04/13/2008 - 23:23
Incredible NPC AI my ass.....they've never been in the South.
mac79's picture
Submitted by mac79 on Mon, 04/14/2008 - 07:16
LOL is the PVP really encouraged on this game?

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