

Shared on Wed, 04/16/2008 - 03:32
I called a trouble maker out for what he was.
I expressed myself, and called a man-bitch the drama queen he was.
I let it be known that my circumstances were adversly affected by the behavior of one person... not that they were all of the circumstances at play... I touched on the details of the personal bullshit that no one knew about.
I called a pain in the ass a pain in the ass.
I let out, for the first time, in nearly two years, my frustration.

The Hyenas are on the attack now, aren't they?
Keep in mind... you don't know all the facts, and the facts you have may be incomplete or skewed. In the spirit of saving face, people will always omit and edit themselves- especially in written word. I did it for a long time. I decided to not do it anymore.

I never pulled punches with anyone to "save their feelings"... have you? Honestly? Sure you have. In may case, being who I am, I have two choices, I stew in silence, or I lay it all out there. I have done both in this situation.
I never bullshitted someone by pretending.. because I am one of those people... one of the "sometimes your best friend does actually look fat in that dress" people.
If I had ever talked to you about anything ever, you knew exactly where I stood on the issue, can you say the same? Really? Did you sugar coat it, hold back, or abstain? Did I?

In the case, you can take your shocked and shaken and go back to your busy day of character assassination.
At least it gives you something to do.
Those who know me at all know what I would say in this instance were I there to defend it. "You don;'t like it? Fuck you. There's the door. At least I can be honest, call a spade a spade, and sleep at night."

So let's make sure there are no misconceptions as you rush to defend what you perceive to be some great injustice to you as a whole.

He was an asshole, at least to me. He was a drama queen and thrived on fucking with somebody or something.

I have now received sharp tongued word that in fact I was a point of contention always... which to me sounds somewhat wrong- as I am sure it would have been brought to my attention-, but whatever- more's the pity to be a pretender than just be yourself. If you came to me under the guise of friendship, or even fellowship, and you had no heart in it, that's just sad.

Seems that in the opinion of "management" my every attempt to help out, or be involved was seen as some kind of suspect action. My good faith was not reciprocated when I wanted to help out or be involved- it was seen as some kind of suspicious action. That my offers, initiative, and motivation was not seen as a good thing, but something to fall under scrutiny by the powers that be. I have also been made aware that my gender had much to do with my acceptance into the group in the first place and as a whole. Not my words or perception, mind you. This is what I have been told. In any case, I can assure you that all I ever wanted to do was jump in with both feet, and contribute. It's a shame that all I ever did was hit a wall when I tried to do more than show up.

I did not attack the group. While I do think that maybe some policies may need, for lack of a better word, some tweaking, I never disagreed that inactivity was a problem. Simply and plainly, that there was a reason that the inactivity started and progressed as it did- and that reason was an asshole within. That fact in and of itself could no longer dwell quietly inside me...

But you go on ahead and say what you need to. Run to defend what you know nothing about and don't fully understand. I have my not only my perception of what happened, but the feedback of those who were around when it went down... and now the opinions from those of you who were not involved. I can say I am sadly disappointed by the immature, anencephalic and vapid reaction.. but then again, as I said- it gives you something to entertain yourselves for awhile, does it not? A mob mentality. How gauche.

I stick to what I said. He is, was and, I think, ever shall be a man-bitch drama queen. He caused a lot of problems, and not just to me. He was a major contribution to why the idea of staying up for 2 days at a time started to seem unappealing, and less than worth it. If you took that rant in any other way, that is your sad misfortune... and now look at the fur fly.

P.S. On the in case the you are curious about my taking down of the previous post, and changing it- I shan't provide fuel for the bashing I had so often been witness to at the hand of a mob mentality of miscreants.


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