

Shared on Sun, 04/20/2008 - 13:33
It's been less than a month since Microsux sent back my RROD-"Repaired" 360.  Everything worked just fine for a couple of weeks, though I noticed the optical drive was making more noise than before I sent it in for repairs.

Well, today it gave up the ghost.  Continuous "Unplayable Disc" errors on every game and movie I stuck in the piece of shit.  I'm sure this isn't at least partly caused by the asshole UPS personnel (Motto:  Why place a package when you can just throw it).  At any rate, I did some research online and am pretty sure it's the unglued magnet issue.

Will someone please talk me out of cracking open the case and just fixing it myself?


Kwazy's picture
Submitted by Kwazy on Mon, 04/21/2008 - 16:06
Took Tank's (and others) advice and talked with customer service first. They say that since it was just repaired it falls under the RRoD extra one year warranty and that they would even expedite shipping (I'll believe that when it happens). Coffin is on the way. My need to tinker will remain unsatisfied.
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Sun, 04/20/2008 - 15:25
If you do that you'll void the warranty so when something big happens like an RRoD, you'll need to foot the bill. Since you got back a refurb that's been fixed who knows how many times, i'd say it's a high risk candidate for system failure in the not so distant future. So may as well go through teh process. What i'd actually do is go buy a new one, get this old one repaird> When you get it back give it a 48 hour burn in test to see if it fails and sell it on ebay if it lives past the 48 hour test. To do the burn in test you should leave it on for 48 hours doing something graphically intense like go into a FPS and rubber band your controller so your guy just runs in circles for 48 hours. Or you could just fix it yourself. The risk is how likely you think it'll be that your system RRoD's in the future. If it's the latest falcon hardware which i'd be surprised if it is, then i'd say the risk is pretty low. But if it's an 05 or 06 born on date, forget it, that baby's pretty high risk.
dkhodz's picture
Submitted by dkhodz on Sun, 04/20/2008 - 18:44
That sucks. I checked the "disc drive problem" box when I sent in my unit because I had gotten some issues previously and they replaced the DVD drive when I RROD'ed. I would call them and see if they will cover it or not.

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