Spring is here!


Shared on Mon, 05/05/2008 - 23:15
Wow, I can't believe it's here. This is one of my favorite seasons. BUT with Spring, you get...tornadoes. We get those Spring time severe Tstorms. I'm sure you all heard what happened in Suffolk Va last Monday. Well, this happened 3 miles from my dads house, about 40 minutes from my house. SE Virginia doesn't get tornadoes so this has hit home and shaken me into reality. It's some scary shit! Since this is local news, I see the damage everyday. Yeah, we get tornado warnings, and before I have just blown them off until now, but I think the last one that hit around here was in 1970's. It's just so hard to imagine that, for me, I get up every morning and continue with my routine. But just 40 minutes away, people are cleaning up their lives, if they can even find belongings! Houses?? What houses? A bunch of them were totaled..just wiped off the foundation and crumbled to pieces. So my thoughts go out to the people of Suffolk Va.
And with Spring, you get the baby birds just out of the nest that are stuck in your yard with 2 German Shepherds because they can't fly and the dogs really have to pee so you let them out, then the dogs try to chase them. Or the dogs get yelled at so they go do their business and the momma and poppa birds are swooping down at the dogs while they pee. I can't help but to laugh. On a side note, our male, Kane, had to go to the vet for his annual visit..heart worm check (negative), nails clipped, poop sample and to have his skin looked at. Poor guy has been suffering from the pollen and has licked his paws raw. Turns out he has bacteria on his skin and that's from the pollen, ggggrrrr. So $200.30 later we are out the door with 2 weeks supply of antibiotics. And the only way he will take the PILLS, not tablets, is from a spoonful of peanut butter with pills inside.

Only 27 more school days left!! Woo Hoo. I am not a morning person, never have been, never will be (I don't think). Becca is preparing for her SOL's. yeah I know, Pearly laughed when I told her, too. They are the Standards of Learning Tests. Basically your end of year tests. I get so excited this time of year cause I know it's almost over!

Pearly's visit was very nice. She got here at maybe 4 pm, got Chinese for dinner and just vegged out on the couch and talked for the next 4/5 hours. Love meeting new people! And the dogs really loved her!


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