Shared on Sun, 05/18/2008 - 12:50so i got another cold. sucks. had the flu 2 months ago, week later i got food poisening. now i have a stuffed head and cough alot. normally i get sick about once a year. i dont know what the hell is happening.
did you ever notice that you have messed up dreams when you have a cold? i had one about this girl i know. weird stuff. nothing dirty. just weird. i would prefer dirty. i dont know what it is, but when i have a cold i have really vivid dreams that i can remember. not sure if i like that.
indiana jones trilogy is back on today. maybe ill try to catch last crusade since i went out last night and missed it. i got pretty loaded last night. i think that was the theme of the night, become a wasted pile of crap. i think everyone at the bar was shitfaced come closing time. usually only a few are shitty, the rest are just a bit buzzed. i think the pull tab lady and the head cook have a crush on me, they seem to gravitate towards me all the time. thankfully i end up having some cute girl i know come up and talk to me towards the end of the night and they end up stepping off. gets a little awkward when you dont like them at all like that but you can tell they like you. usually stare at you with the deer in headlights kind of look. wouldnt be so bad if they were at least a little attractive. whatever. ego boost either way.
i got up around 8 am this morning (not bad considering i didnt go to sleep till 3:30). didnt have a hangover. loves me the vodka. i never get hangovers from that stuff. nine vodka redbulls, 3 beers and 2 jag bombs (back to back bombers. yeesh) and i slept like a rock. shitty thing is that when i wake up that early i want to play some halo. nobody is online that early on sundays. sucks.
deadliest catch is well into its 4th season. i love that fucking show. my two favorites are the northwestern and the time bandit. the captains are cool as shit. i wouldnt mind working for guys like that. kinda a tough love type of boss. i missed last weeks show but they usually replay them on sundays. ill have to try to catch it tonight. if you havent seen this show, first, climb out from under that rock, second, watch it. you will love it. awesome show. one of the few reality shows that are actual reality. kinda half excited about the game coming out. i know its not going to be a great game. but if its at least kinda fun and has some decent length i may consider getting it. ill wait for the metascore on that one.
well, thats that for that.
- newtizzle's blog
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Submitted by RichardHead on Fri, 07/18/2008 - 19:15
Submitted by newtizzle on Mon, 05/19/2008 - 17:51
Submitted by VenomRudman on Sun, 05/18/2008 - 20:44