made it to washington... w00t


Shared on Thu, 06/12/2008 - 20:37

in washington, everything is great. My folks are great, Erica did fantastic in the ride down. I think I have one of those wierd kids that don't sleep in the car, she was pretty much awake the whole way down. boo. She swam a bit, if you can call being dragged around in the pool swimming. had her first bit of mc donalds... all the inmportant things.

i am typing this on my mom's laptop. think sean is going to have to get me one of these. very nice. but i am ahving problems with caps... so you get none.

i started a new puzzlequest onher system... wizard instead of druid. i am used to dealing with canadians who have never heard of maryland...

that is everything.. hope everyone has a great week

edit; editorial ya'll  may like... it's about getting older and gaming..


It is summer in Ottawa, we’ve gone from frost warnings to humidex warnings overnight; I step blinking from my suburban cave into the bright sunshine. Armed with SPF 50, DEET, a sprinkler, freezies, hats and whatever else is required to keep us safe from that oh-so-dangerous ball of fire in the sky, I spend my lazy days outside with my daughter.

Summer is perfect for baseball, lazing around, strolling the markets, and taking things slow. With lemonade in hand, anyone can become a summer-time philosopher. So what have I learned this year? To me, this summer reminds me that I’m older and that my priorities have changed. Gone are the days when summer means sleeping in until noon, now my daughter is my personal alarm clock; it takes lots of energy for me to roll over and say “Hunny, your daughter wants to get up.” Actually I lie. As a daughter of a military officer, I was never allowed to sleep in, come 10 AM, someone would turn on my bedroom light and say “Get up, kid!” We are a family of love I tell ya. In my own experience, the circle of life means no extra sleep for the JayCat.

So, the days are long, and the summer is short; I want to enjoy the sunshine while I can. Instead of being up all hours, I sit on the porch with my husband and a pop once my daughter is in bed and have some BBQ.

But summer means more than navel gazing and rock hard burnt food. It’s prime gaming season; everything is released in the summer. E3 is coming soon, and that is when the gaming hype machine gets thrust into overdrive. After all the young whipper snappers have fewer responsibilities and can (and will) game all night, while the decrepit grannies such as myself are complaining for them to turn down the music. Summer is when I, the old lady that I am, want to game less, but the youth driven game industry wants to game more. Youth wins again dang nabbit! (You have to picture me shaking a cane)

But all is not lost for those of us over 30. (Yes, I am ancient, all of 32) I have rediscovered the joys of casual gaming. An hour here and there can become a relaxing gaming session. I am loving the freedom that I have gained with my handheld system. I play only the games I am passionate about, the rest can just sit on a shelf until I once again can hibernate. But until that fateful day, when I can’t be outside after dark without bundling up, I will be enjoying the summer to it’s fullest. Cause you know, us elderly have to enjoy every moment we have left.


ekattan's picture
Submitted by ekattan on Fri, 06/13/2008 - 08:03
No, don't feed her Mc'Donalds. I will call Child Services.
char's picture
Submitted by char on Fri, 06/13/2008 - 08:08
Great read. I have my SPF 100, big floppy hat, flip flops and sunglasses on. Ready for summer! And the baby. Whatty sweetie-patootie-cuddly-wuggie.... OMG, I'm cooing and babbling baby talk! I'm sorry, I could not help it. She is so....cutey-wootiful..... I did it again! J-Cat, what I'm really trying to say. She's adorable!!!
Slider1003's picture
Submitted by Slider1003 on Fri, 06/13/2008 - 10:28
Your not the only one with the kid that wont sleep in the car. I got 2 of them! 4yr old and 1 yr old. Makes for interesting road trips. Whoever made up the crap about taking your kids for a ride to help them get a nap needs to be drug out in the street! Great post by the way. Nicely written!
COULOW's picture
Submitted by COULOW on Sat, 06/14/2008 - 08:15
Excellent descriptors. +5! I must go change my depends now and put my teeth in. Gaming is the new modeling. You're retired at 30.
Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Thu, 06/12/2008 - 22:48
great write up! you should submit the story to both here and there nice work! and have a safe trip jcat!

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