Big Day: in a way


Shared on Fri, 06/27/2008 - 17:39

So, today was a huge day sorta... and I almost missed it.  It is Erica  and I last day, just Mommy and Daughter. That's right. Since she starts daycare in July, that is it for just the two of us time. Well, that's not quite true... I mean when I start her in daycare, it's going to be slow but sure. An hour the first day, two hours the next and so on. Maybe a day or two we just won't make it in... but really there is no excuse now.

We went twice in the last week, and it's so good to see how well they take care and love the kids. But it's gonna be hard: probably harder on me than Erica. But what can I do? It's better for her: she will be around lots of kids, the environment is fantastic, the caregivers really do love the kids. So ya... the 14th starts our dry run for the week. I want Ercia in by 9:00 (my husband will get used to bringing her in, getting her ready in the AM) and I will go pick her up at 3:20ish.  So that week I will be working for the other site, getting administrivia sorted out and... crying a ton.  kidding. kinda. The 21st marks my first day at work.

So other than that we are off to my parent's cottage tomorrow for a few days. Should be fun, with tons of family drama... yay me.

PS: When someone offers to make you a new blog banner, then you havne't heard about it in a week... what is the best way to broach the subject? I mean I am not paying for it, but I really like this guy's work: so I want to see what he is coming up with.  Is it wrong to ask? Or should I just throw in a not so subtle hint into my blog? Hmmmm.....  What do you guys think? Should I put a hint into my blog? Oh... wait... um nevermind...


ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Fri, 06/27/2008 - 18:36
member good things come to those who wait.

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