Shared on Mon, 07/28/2008 - 11:18So if I pop Halo in could you guess how many alarmed PM XBL messages I would receive?
How about 24.
And it wasn't even me.
My son and LB's daughter were playing Halo in my gaming chair Saturday night. I believe we were playing Beer Pong at that point, but maybe that was when we were doing the temporary tattoos. No idea. My boy and LB's kid took over my gaming chair area.
So no one get their puckers all pouty.
I haven't played Xbox in over a week now. BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA. Embrace the n00b. It's the new Kabbalah.
The kittens like to sleep or cuddle while sitting around my neck. I feel like I have little angel/devil thing going on. Last night they fell asleep on me like that. I awoke and startled, set the kittens flying. They are fine. I am fine. But no more kitten neckwarmers.
Oh yeah. The infamouse Bunky and LB hung out with us this weekend! Burnt Brats are still yummy. So are red burgers (I am SOOOO sorry, I had no fucking light!) Banging on the floor to alert the boys to come up for dinner brings out the frownies ("To the Moon, Alice" Oh RLY LB???) . We yapped and yapped. Man we can talk can't we! LOL. and drank and bossed our husbands around and laughed when they tried to be tough about it.
The "band" had their first meeting. You might recall this band as the one that was foretold to change our little town:
"We shall form a band so awesome that the state of NC will be forced to rename the city of Concord to the more aptly titled "Kingdom of Rock That is So Fucking Awesome That No One Name Can Describe The Shear Magnitude of Throw Down Kick Assness That It Emits During The Hours Of 7-9pm a Couple Of Days A Week And Sometimes On The Weekends! - FRET 8O Jul 09, 2008
It was hella nice. Our buddy Chris hit the drums (which my daughter insisted on playing, but to her credit, let the boys alone when I asked). His financee Brandi hung with us while I burnt the living shit out of the meat (need a lightbulb on the grill corner baby!)
Somehow as the party moved inward and the boys rejoined us from their "Kingdom of Rock" the kids go in on the action. My daughter Vadarette went up against Optimus Prime....Soooo not in his prime. We had ice cream sundaes (waffle bowls!) and tribal temporary tats. We played beer pong as well. Brandi and Jeep vs. Fret and Chris 2-0 baby. Then Jeep vs. Chris 1-0 with Chris having to drink 4 beers at the end (no bounce, table too damn short).
Next time I have a promise from LBunky that they will join in. Damn having to sober up to drive!
Overall it was hella nice to have good people around. I can't wait for you guys to move down here!!! LBunky. LOL
- JeepChick's blog
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Submitted by snakemeister on Tue, 07/29/2008 - 10:37
Submitted by LB75Player on Mon, 07/28/2008 - 11:23
Submitted by char on Mon, 07/28/2008 - 11:49
Submitted by bunky on Mon, 07/28/2008 - 12:35
Submitted by JeepChick on Mon, 07/28/2008 - 12:43
Submitted by pearly_54 on Mon, 07/28/2008 - 15:44