Bienvenido a mi blog: El diario de un gamer con carne.


Shared on Fri, 08/01/2008 - 10:32


Me llamo Edgar y soy un gamer miembro del clan 2old2playHalo. Nací en la ciudad de Panamá en 1978. Después de terminar el high school y perder un año en sexo, alcohol y rock and roll, en 1996 decidí venir a US para buscar un futuro mejor. Fui a una universidad en Virginia en donde obtuve double major en computer engineering y computer science. En la universidad conocí a mi esposa, después de graduarme en 2002 encontré un trabajo en NY y aquí estoy hoy..
Decidí hacer este blog en español porque creo que no hay ningún otro en Espero que el que lo entienda lo disfrute y se divierta. Yo en lo personal odio blogs, pero creo que 2o2p necesita uno. Tratare con el tiempo de postear en el blog algo nuevo cada semana, no muchas cosas personales, pero de interés general. Por favor no se rian mucho de mi ortografía/gramática. Aunque español es mi lenguage maternal, no lo utilizo mucho, y como todo lo que no se usa se oxida.
Hasta pronto..

English translation:

Guacamole, a dip made from avocados, is originally from Mexico. The name is derived from two Aztec Nahuatl words - ahuacatl (avocado) and molli (sauce). The trick to perfect guacamole is using good, ripe avocados. Check for ripeness by gently pressing the outside of the avocado. If there is no give, the avocado is not ripe yet and will not taste good. If there is a little give, the avocado is ripe. If there is a lot of give, the avocado may be past ripe and not good. In this case, taste test first before using.
For a very quick "guac" just take a 1/4 cup of salsa and mix it in with your mashed avocados.You don't need to have tomatoes in your guacamole.To extend a limited supply of avocados, add either sour cream or cottage cheese to your guacamole dip. Purists may be horrified, but so what? It tastes great. In fact, guac with some cottage cheese added to it is my favorite.
Take care,


Edgar's picture
Submitted by Edgar on Fri, 08/01/2008 - 13:44
Hi, I am glad of the response this post has received… I will give my input on the previews 5 comments. Mandingo: Estas seguro que tienes mas de 25 años? Por favor lee las reglas para ser miembro de 2o2p. Baine: Hey I am glad to learn there is a fellow older gamer around here. You are right about this area, I am not a fan. It was a big change coming from the Hampton roads/Virginia Beach to this place. Anyways, what games you play? Maybe we can get together and have a mini lan-party? KingDrewsky: I know the English translation is wrong, it was Intentional. Regarding your translation, you got a D- for the effort, sorry about that. The first paragraph was about 80% right. The second has some major errors. I said: I decided to write this blog in Spanish, because I think doesn’t have any other in this language. I hope the people who can understand it, have fun reading it and enjoy it. I personally hate blogs, but I think 2o2p needs one in Spanish (gamming is growing in Spanish speaking countries). I will try to post something new from time to time. I will not post personal things, just things of general interest. Please don’t make fun of my grammar/spelling, although Spanish is my native language, I don’t use it and like everything you don’t use it gets rusty. Caesar: Thanks, I am glad you like it, I will send you the bill later.. Just kidding. Thanks. Naveeda: Hey thanks and we can practice if you want. I don’t like online translator though, they have the tendency to butcher the original text. But I guess it can get the main point across. My wife is a Spanish teacher; she warn her students to not use online translators, but it is fun to go over some papers where you can tell students just copy and paste things, anyways talk to you later.
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Fri, 08/01/2008 - 13:59
Even though my wife has spanish heritage. i can't speak a lick with the y'all and yanto's in my dilect. Welcome and enjoy the cold weather over in the NYC. Ever your way hope to share a torta or some horchata if you on to.
Mandingo's picture
Submitted by Mandingo on Fri, 08/01/2008 - 10:46
puta madre, que es eso?
Baine's picture
Submitted by Baine on Fri, 08/01/2008 - 10:48
I run a clinic in the Johnstown area every wednesday, and I used to work in the hospital there for years. The best part of the Johnstown area....leaving it. Nice area....aweful habitants....Thats not a generalization.
KingDrewsky's picture
Submitted by KingDrewsky on Fri, 08/01/2008 - 10:51
Wrong translation. Let me see if I can figure it out. Hello, My name is Edgar and I am a gaming member of the clan 2old2play Halo. I was born in the city of Panama in 1978. After high school and a lost year of sex, booze, and rock and roll, I decided to go to America to look for a future job in 1996. I went to the University of Virginia where I took a double major in computer engineering and computer science. While at the university, I met my wife. After graduation in 2002, I took a job in New York and that is where I live today. I decided to write this blog in Spanish because I believe that there is no other person in that can read it. I hope that you understand that I mean this in jest and not to insult you. (??) I am a person who likes blogs and believes that 2o2p needs one. I will try to post a blog every week, not personal, but interesting in general. Please, don't make fun of my grammar and spelling. Spanish is my mother's language and I don't use it much, and how all of the people don't use oxides. Hmmm.... I'm a little rusty. 1st paragraph was not hard but I know I made more than a few mistakes with the 2nd paragraph.
Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Fri, 08/01/2008 - 10:57
man nice first blog!!!!!!!!!!!
naveeda's picture
Submitted by naveeda on Fri, 08/01/2008 - 12:23
Congrats on the first blog, I'm trying to learn spanish myself, i used this to translate :)

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