Whats wrong with us?


Shared on Fri, 08/08/2008 - 18:17

Grow your hair out pull your pants down and quit your job!!


Seriously here is why our economy has been fucked. First let me state that I have a limited knowledge of the economy and can only offer my limited viewpoint from what I know and feel as a legitimate course of fucking. This great country of ours was born from back fucking breaking work. We didnt sit on our lilly white asses and dream up a USA we worked and fought through blood, sweat, pussy and tears (Ok I added pussy but thats cause I love it soo much). Around the early 1990's we struck a deal with China that would allow free trade and large corporations were able to build AUTOMOTIVE parts plants there. This spawned as Mexico was at its incline in automotive production and there was much greeed in the corporate eye. So basically here is how it works with a car mfg. They sit down 3-4 contractors and tell them


1. Here is where you will build your plant

2. Here is what you will earn over the years

3. Here is how you will deal with your employees as far as discipline and payment

4. Here is the length of the contract

5. This is your projected cost

So basically it is up to a willing contractor to abide and jump forward. With the influx of Hyundai to the market the big threee were starting to see a landslide and jumping from Mexico production to China and pacific rim. Fast forward a few years and we have a fuckload of small corporations getting their parts made there and then their is a huge influx of European items made possible by the British leaving China and China forgetting what assholes they were. So now in the last 10 years you almost cant find a fucking thing made in the USA at walmart, target, costco or anyother shitball reseller. Gawd damn I hate China sometimes yet I eat Chinese food with a Chinese doctor who has a fucking pHD in Chinese fucking medicine.

Chinese boobs..something about her says '''sheeee I am hear to a preeeese you"





1. Get those fucking retarded fucking moron Democrats and republicans the fuck outta here and put them in Alcatraz they have stole enough of our hard fucking earned dollars

2. Elect PRO wrestlers and I am not talking about those skinny little backyard fagboys you see on backyard wrestling volume 10 now with billys sister showing puss and flashing bewbers

3. Make every mom drive a fawking honda instead of a suburban when they dont have their kids

4. Take the jackasses who think a truck with leather is a luxury car and make them drive honda's too

5. Make honda Ford co.

6. Take away the god damn gas tax you ignorant fucktards

7. Get every kid from the age of 14 into the job market so they are out fucking and doing drugs like I was and raise the minimum wage to honest living standards based on AGE

8. Get the goverment to iron out their budget and have a health care reform like this

A. Every American is covered from foreign aid

B. Prescription drugs are not subsidized they are sold cheaper by drug companies and hospitals because they are sold in America

C. Stop the foreign aid until we patch up our own boo boos here

D. Hospital executives go on a 50,000.00 a year salary

E. Limit the amount doctors and nurses can make and keep those limits

F Reform the FDA and get them to acknowledge life saving and life risking faster

Uhh and a boob







AMC401AMC's picture
Submitted by AMC401AMC on Sun, 08/10/2008 - 16:39
Dude ...automan was the Santa fe out when Hyundai first came to the states? answer.....wait for it .......wait for it.... NO
AMC401AMC's picture
Submitted by AMC401AMC on Sun, 08/10/2008 - 16:40
And furthermore please do not correct me these are my fawking thoughts now please enjoy the music sit down and have a nice glass of coke :D XD
Durty's picture
Submitted by Durty on Fri, 08/08/2008 - 18:31
Ass ≠ boobs. Ugly ass = thanks for nothing.
sicrik's picture
Submitted by sicrik on Fri, 08/08/2008 - 18:43
you always speak of boobs.....but then show ass......maybe you should label it ass.....then we'll get some boobs
n00py83's picture
Submitted by n00py83 on Fri, 08/08/2008 - 18:49
you have to excuse him, he's not exactly all there in a matter of speaking.
wilderz's picture
Submitted by wilderz on Fri, 08/08/2008 - 18:57
Dude are you typing all these blogs yourself, or are you outsourcing to China? :^)
AMC401AMC's picture
Submitted by AMC401AMC on Fri, 08/08/2008 - 18:59
Durty..they all round out sicrick they are coming Noopy you are correct Winderz all my handwriting err typingings
Automan21k's picture
Submitted by Automan21k on Fri, 08/08/2008 - 19:35
I would like to say that my Hyundai Sante Fe was manufactured in Alabama using US steel and US labor...where was your Dodge made? Germany? Ireland? China? And what you are suggesting is a totalitarian regime...they are normally BAD>
jonny12gauge's picture
Submitted by jonny12gauge on Fri, 08/08/2008 - 20:39
I dislike China as well. Other companies in the industry that I am in outsource their work to China for next to nothing, and we have to compete with their damn lowball prices to the same customers!

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