Back to Work, ugh


Shared on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 11:18

Well, I’m back to work. I always find it hard to get back up to speed from a week playing Oblivion and Halo. It’s noon  and all I have managed to get accomplished is making fun of Bubba, and getting a coffee. Must.    Work.    Now.

Speaking of coffee, Tim Hortons (the Canadian institution of coffee) must put something in there to make people line up for 20 minutes to get a cup. I swear, every day I stand in line at a Tim Hortons for longer than I can count. There are five cashiers and about 25 people in each line. It’s absolutely ridiculous, yet we all do it. I guess we are just too courteous to say anything.
While I was off with my son, we managed to see Dark Knight. I won’t bother with my review as everyone else has already weighed in. It was really good, how’s that? I wonder though, would we think that Heath Ledger played the Joker as well if he hadn’t passed away? I don’t mean this in a negative sense, it’s just a thought. All artists are made famous through death. In Heath’s case, he filmed a movie, died, and then the movie was released. That’s like the trifecta of immortality. To me, it made his character seem more powerful. I hope he gets all the accolades and awards that he deserves, he was an incredible actor.
So, last night, I finally got to play with my new MML team, SBWL. We scrimmed Team Fir3. I was very impressed with the quality of my new team. White, ek, and Tman are crazy good. My goal is to try and stay in positive territory and help out where I can. Hopefully I don’t get traded again :)
Btw: Braid. Now I know a lot of people are put off by the price (1200M$), but to me, there are worse things you could spend you money on. This game may be a little short, but the laugh out loud moments where you realize what this game really is about, are priceless. It is a must play just as much as Bioshock or Mass Effect.



char's picture
Submitted by char on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 19:03
NorthernPlato's picture
Submitted by NorthernPlato on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 12:30
In regards to the Tim Horton's coffee, unless you specify milk (2%) they're using 18% cream. That's the addiction, right there. It makes their otherwise bland and crappy coffee impossible to resist. Hrm. Now I need my fix....
Automan21k's picture
Submitted by Automan21k on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 12:54
I agree with you on Braid, we just finished it, it is friggin awesome...and I love how it doesn't actually tell you what's going on, but it all just comes together in the end.
char's picture
Submitted by char on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 13:05
NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Not TH they suck, they suck and it's the MSG they put in it that maks you want more!!!!! How could you drink that, that's not coffee!!!! OK, I better drinking bitter water..(OK, I not done yet)...made from old tires....broken down fly might as well dip your cup into ditch water....char walks away shakin her head....
XValue's picture
Submitted by XValue on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 14:35
cmon char, you know you love it. *sips on second cup (of timmy's)*

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