Playing with my boys & getting beat up!


Shared on Wed, 08/20/2008 - 20:06

Man, i am soooo moody tonight.  I've been playing magic with my boys.  We are all deck testing for the next clan league.  Funny, we test so much, we know each others decks by the time the league matches start.  I thought I had a great deck!  in solitaire it crushed my "opponent" in 5-6 turns.  Very nice.  Well, a real opponent actually fights back.  Blah!  So, I was spanked, crushed, and thrown out with the dishwater.  Booooo.  I told them I wasn't joining the league this time.  Course, I always say that.  But the format is very tough.  I dunno.  They seem to have forgotten rule #1:  don't beat up on the captain.  /sigh

To my secret pal......????????????

That's all.  I've been beaten up enough for today.


guntag's picture
Submitted by guntag on Wed, 08/20/2008 - 20:10
You give a chance for your boys to beat the crap out of you legally, without any chance of revenge and you think they won't jump on the occasion?!? hehe
rumbagod's picture
Submitted by rumbagod on Wed, 08/20/2008 - 20:35
there's a rule #1????? i have never heard of this rule!!!
Brootal's picture
Submitted by Brootal on Wed, 08/20/2008 - 21:18
Yes rumba, there is, pearly's just missworded it a little. If you replace the word don't with the word always you may recognize it ;)
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Thu, 08/21/2008 - 04:23
Secret pal? Seems mysterious
pearly_54's picture
Submitted by pearly_54 on Thu, 08/21/2008 - 07:56
Yep, that's me, mystery lady.....
DrStrange's picture
Submitted by DrStrange on Thu, 08/21/2008 - 08:22
rule #1: don't beat up on the captain Doesn't say... "rule #1: don't beat up on the captain at MTGO." The rule is not specific enough.

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