Shared on Fri, 09/05/2008 - 16:03Eek! Preparing for the hurricane... Hopefully, I am too far inland to get much but rain and some wind, but they are doing that 24 hour news thing with a blow by blow description of what's going on, where it is, and when it will hit. Hannah. It's been years since one actually hit us, and that was Fran. Wow, what a mess! I worked nights at the time, and got to watch and hear the whole thing from the 9th floor of the hospital. Ever see rain fall sideways? lol, actually, not funny. I was in charge, so I got to take all the calls from people that were trying to get in to work in the morning. They were reporting no electricity, fallen trees, basically, a war zone. When I was finally able to leave work, I was lucky to even get home. Trees down everywhere. Electrical wires across the roads. Yikes! But, I made it. Hope this is NOT what we are in for tonight/tomorrow.
Interesting thing happened at work today. I told a patient that I could not see him first cuz he was not in my section. I was sorta kidding, but it was also sorta true. Next thing I, know everyone in the room is laughing and i turn around and, there he is. He had rolled his chair behind me, very , very close, and said "am I in your section now?" Well, I thought, why not? And plopped myself down in his lap, gave him a hug, and said, no, but this will have to do. Well! To make a long story short, that little escapade turned into a lap dance, which led to a dollar being tucked into my bra. NO! He handed me the dollar, and I put it there. And then there were pics taken. Now, the lap dance never happened, but this patient is telling everyone it did. And that I got a tip for doing it. YES! I kept the dollar! Do I have fun at work, or what? Only on Fridays......
- pearly_54's blog
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Submitted by rumbagod on Fri, 09/05/2008 - 20:28
Submitted by bunky on Fri, 09/05/2008 - 16:47