A Nice Cold 20 oz


Shared on Sat, 09/06/2008 - 21:14


I love my job


Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Sat, 09/06/2008 - 21:21
Em's picture
Submitted by Em on Sat, 09/06/2008 - 21:24
Durty's picture
Submitted by Durty on Sat, 09/06/2008 - 21:29
Okay, now we need some background on this one........without giving away any privileged info of course, lol.
Em's picture
Submitted by Em on Sat, 09/06/2008 - 21:34
58 year man,,,,went to the OR....had a similar event happen 2 years ago
Pinch's picture
Submitted by Pinch on Sat, 09/06/2008 - 22:01
Um, Cold? You would think it would heat up quite quickly up there.
TheCarnivalAngel's picture
Submitted by TheCarnivalAngel on Sat, 09/06/2008 - 22:55
Is that where they put all the bottles when they're done? I figured the Chicago LAN would have a better receptacle than that!
pearly_54's picture
Submitted by pearly_54 on Sun, 09/07/2008 - 07:00
Um, I have heard this before. Other things? any object that fits, including, chipmunks and gerbils....ewwwwwwwww
Go_Aachmed's picture
Submitted by Go_Aachmed on Sun, 09/07/2008 - 09:23
All the years I worked in and around a hospital I learned that there are two categories of patients. Those who are ill and need are help are in one, and freaks & assholes are in the other. The trick is not to let category 2 desensitize your compassion for category 1. Btw, my favorite was the "tool man." He had a screwdriver, a wrench AND a couple of sockets up his ass (yes, at the same time). He came in on multiple occaisions, hence deserving the familiarity of a nickname.
OldManRiver48's picture
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Mon, 09/08/2008 - 19:05
Ha ha haaaaaaaa!!!! Never passout at a frat house eh.......is that a Buttlite?
TDrag27's picture
Submitted by TDrag27 on Sun, 09/07/2008 - 18:57
Clearly that person "slipped in the shower". My sister is an RN and she tells me that's what they always say.

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