SW TFU: Lv.8 Rescue Senator Bail Organa


Shared on Wed, 09/17/2008 - 14:57

Objectives are too Rescrue the Sarlucc, get 425K Force Points, and 15 holocrons.
I found 10 of them, well 11, i fell down and couldnt get back to the 11th lol. All other objectives i completed. Had to Save Senator Bail Organa.

Overall this was a very fun level. Mix of enemies was awesome, gave you something different. Had to fight 2 AG-ST's with aswesome cinema when you defeat them :). Then to top it all off, Shaak Ti's padawan Maris Droon turns to the dark side and has control over a "Bull Rancor".

Now this one looked exactly like the one from Return of the Jedi. And man, he's hard to beat.. plus on top of him charging you, you had that crazy chick with duel saber staffs. they were like night sticks.. anyways she'd charge you and use the force on you when youwere fighting him lol.

When you defeat him, it's one of the longest cinemas yet, with the button combo feature it was very sweet to watch your dude jump around taking it too that big ugly thing. Then thecinema when you defeat her, was awesome too.

After that Vader pays you another visit for a bit of a chat.. and then its off to your next mission. But you'll have to wait til later for that.. and im sorry for the delays in myblogs.. it wouldnt let me post these after i got done :(

Either way overall level score is a 9/10
Awesome fun in this level with lots of things to do, and plenty of things to beat up on.

Cant wait to get on with it tomorrow. 1st day anyalisis coming shortly


SoupNazzi's picture
Submitted by SoupNazzi on Wed, 09/17/2008 - 14:59
How about instead of creating a post for each individual level, you combine 4 of them into one post? Otherwise, you are spamming the top. BTW, you are giving out a shitload of spoilers. Some of us prefer a little warning.
Lbsutke's picture
Submitted by Lbsutke on Wed, 09/17/2008 - 15:00
grid...why don't you just make a longer post instead of 8 or more individual posts.. You are bumping peoples blogs off the top by doing the individual post thing..
doodirock's picture
Submitted by doodirock on Wed, 09/17/2008 - 15:03
please stop the blog spam.
GridironGrace's picture
Submitted by GridironGrace on Wed, 09/17/2008 - 15:08
sry didnt have them all ready is why and ppl were waiting ;( i'll start doing them together tomorrow.. done for the day.. sorry lol didnt even think about that or relize it to be honest havent blogged much until today.

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