My crazy ass city - part 2


Shared on Tue, 09/23/2008 - 13:22

This was the scene at about 7:30am on Monday about 2 blocks north from where I live. The driver of the dump truck was driving north on the road that is about 50 feet up the hill (out of the photo, to the right). From what people are saying (though, not confirmed in the news yet) the driver was travelling at a very high speed (the limit is 60km/h, he was going about 120km/h) when he said that the brakes on his truck failed. He then proceeded to smash into a broken down Jetta in the curb lane, careened off the road, hit a light pole and flew down the hill. The driver jumped out before it went over. The truck smashed into a woman's bedroom while she was sleeping. The impact knocked her out of bed. She is fine, and so is the driver.

Now, the police are not pressing charges, but I think the guy should get fucked. I drive up and down that road all the time and cars and trucks fly through there. It was only a matter of time before this happened.




MutusLetum's picture
Submitted by MutusLetum on Tue, 09/23/2008 - 13:35
torontosun sounds like some type of horrible disease.
MikeTheKnife's picture
Submitted by MikeTheKnife on Tue, 09/23/2008 - 13:54
No one was hurt? How is that even possible? PS 120 km/h is how much in real speed?
XValue's picture
Submitted by XValue on Tue, 09/23/2008 - 14:02
120km/h would be about 65mph'ish. Its like driving highway speeds down a city street in a dump truck. Mutus: Its Toronto Sun, douche. And yes, that newspaper is like a disease.
char's picture
Submitted by char on Tue, 09/23/2008 - 15:41
*char sips on her good coffee and wonders if this is another attack of TH coffee poisoning a innocent truck driver*
Bluestar's picture
Submitted by Bluestar on Wed, 09/24/2008 - 07:39
Could be worse, you could be riding the Greyhound in Manitoba/Northern Ontario.
SPARKSFLY2000's picture
Submitted by SPARKSFLY2000 on Wed, 09/24/2008 - 08:19
I love the guy jumping out of the truck as it rolls towards someones bed. that'd be like a pilot about to crash into a crowd of people saying "F&($ it - i aint gonna die today" and parachuting out... This is my inlaw's condo... actually only about 4 units away... too bad it truck didn't swerve at the last minute and take out my mother-in-law... :) just joking.
XValue's picture
Submitted by XValue on Wed, 09/24/2008 - 08:25
....are you? lol
SPARKSFLY2000's picture
Submitted by SPARKSFLY2000 on Wed, 09/24/2008 - 10:42
hey don't tell the wives!

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