Irony ...


Shared on Wed, 10/01/2008 - 22:38

I remember growing up as a kid if you were in some kind of financial need you could always seek within the family for someone to loan you some money like your dad, brother, grandpa or a Rich uncle. I guess the stuff we learn when we are small is stuff that we hardly ever forget. Why? you ask? Well Not only has Uncle Sam approved a "bailout" for wallstreet fatcats to "save" the economy after bad judgements but it seems like the auto industry got a "bailout" also. Didnt see much of this on the headlines but its already been done. Chalk up another $25 billion to the $700 billion and the $1.2 trillion that was lost on wallstreet the day of the 777 loss. Uncle sam is going to be broke here pretty soon if they dont start cleaning house you thought we had problems w/ illegal imigration, drugs, terrorism, the war? Shit look at all the losses taken w/ out the use of a single bullet, just bad judgement. Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword had no idea how much truth those words have. So anyways thats about  $2 trillion so far gone but whos counting....


CrypticCat's picture
Submitted by CrypticCat on Thu, 10/02/2008 - 00:26
Europe, believe it or not. The flight of the Dollar is making our Euro worth more, with adverse effects on our economy. Pre-emptive price-hikes on a lot of goods here, coupled with a strong Euro because the Dollar-balance is deminishing kills off spending overhere. We have a definate stake in the American economy, and worse for you guys means bad for us.When our economies topple because yours is toppling already, things will become very peculiar in 09.

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