GameStop Offically is worst retailor of the year!


Shared on Tue, 10/28/2008 - 09:48

I can't believe that a company that is so poorly run and managed can continue to exist. I have pretty much given up on buying locally from gamestop/eb and I now know I cannot ever trust their website as well. The short story: I mistyped in a credit card experation date. Ordered put on hold. Log in on website, correct date, order stays on verifying for 2 weeks and now I do not have a collectors edition of Fallout 3 anymore. I didn't even know until today that something was wrong because after I corrected the info they sent me an email saying that everything was good to go.

I am pretty furious right now. When I called customer service, not only where they totally non-careing, they made no effort to make anything right. They are one of the worst companies I have ever worked with.

I was so looking forward to getting that lunchbox, bobblehead and art book. It makes me sad they treated me this way. For Christmas I will not be asking for anything from that store and I will be sure to inform the 100's of people that talk to me about videogames to not deal with that store either.

Thats thing about not treating your customers right. With how social networks go, an unhappy customer doesn't just tell 10-20 friends anymore...with the power of the internet, I can tell lots and lots of friends. Plus they have no idea that I work in a position where people ask me advice on electronics/games all the time.

man, this sucks....hopefully over my lunchbreak I can find some of this stuff at bestbuy or someplace. I only ordered from gamestop b/c I wanted the cool comic book manual thing. It was a little booklet that showed how to survive in a post-apocolypse world and it was exclusive to gamestop. I also wanted the cool cd that looked like an old 45 record. All of that is down the toliet now.

How depressing. This was supposed to be the one thing I was getting to be a treat for me and my wife.....


UPDATE:  I went to Best Buy over my lunch break and got a CE version of Fallout 3.  I am a bit bummed b/c I wanted that extra cd and book, but after the kid goes to bed tonight I am going to start exploring post-apocolypitc America!


Lbsutke's picture
Submitted by Lbsutke on Tue, 10/28/2008 - 10:29
sorry man that sucks... Do you have any other game specific stores, like Game Crazy, etc? Not sure if they are just a local chain... As much as it sucks, you might have to go to a different eb/gs to get what you want. Still give them negatives, but if they are the only one's that have what you want, you may have to bend a little to get it.
jquack's picture
Submitted by jquack on Tue, 10/28/2008 - 20:46
Maybe you could wait a while and then get the extra stuff from the collectors edition on Ebay. I did that once with Halo 3, I wait a month or two and then went online and was able to purchase just the discs of the Legendary Edition of Halo 3 (not the helmet, didn't want) for about the price of one Halo 3 regular edition disc.

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