Gamefly question


Shared on Thu, 10/30/2008 - 16:35

When you put games on your queue, how the hell do they decide what to send?  Looking at my list there are low availabilties for Dead Space, Fable 2, and Fall Out 3, high availability for Mercenaries 2, and  Facebreaker, next on my list was Condemed 2, and its available, and last on my list was Star Wars Lego TCS.........and they send the Star Wars game.....question is, if I shorten my queue, will they send the high available games, or if I choose a low, will I have to wait until one gets free?


Jmarps's picture
Submitted by Jmarps on Thu, 11/06/2008 - 19:14
What I used to do is only put one game in my queue at a time. (or 2 if yo are getting 2 games at a time) That way you insure that your next game is the game you want. Granted, it may take an extra day, but I found that it almost never did take that long...that they usually had the game in stock at some point during the day they recieved the return title. Good luck.
YoYo's picture
Submitted by YoYo on Thu, 10/30/2008 - 17:58
I've had that problem same problem with gamefly. What I think it is. Is that all the different facilities but what they have for overall status. But your actual gamefly facility may be short that items and thats why you get a game way down ur list. Thats my only explanation for it. Who knows though.
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Thu, 10/30/2008 - 18:45
They work in the order that you have them sorted in. But they ship the first movie in your list that is available from the closest warehouse location to where you live. So that doesn't necessarily mean you'll get the first title in your list. It could be the 3rd or 4th or what no. It's jus tall focused around what can get to you soonest.

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