Twitterers & Gears 2


Shared on Mon, 11/03/2008 - 09:12

Hey 2o2p community,


Nosing around on Twitter, I saw several 2o2p members on there (you know who you are). I also have a Twitter account, so if you are one of those, feel free to send a "follow" request to me so I can build up my own little Twitter domain! It's just another way for me to keep in touch with this community. I'm a little bit of a twitter noob, because I haven't figured out how to ask someone else to follow me so that I can DM them. If there is a way to do this, please tell me. If there is not, maybe I'm not a noob after all. Also, if you don't mind me following you, send me a PM here or comment on this blog post and I'll follow you!

Gears 2....4 days...who's excited?!? Will I see any of you on after midnight launch?...I know I will be on a for a little bit. If you want a co-op player, let me know, I'm game for that.

See ya.


EDIT: By the way, I haven't gotten Fallout 3 yet!! Am I a bad gamer or what? My wife wants me to wait until Christmas, but man that game looks good...any comments?


Go_Aachmed's picture
Submitted by Go_Aachmed on Tue, 11/04/2008 - 15:20
Man I had Fallout 3, GoW2 and Left 4 Dead all preordered and prepaid. Now my box is down adn it will be christmas at least before I get it fixed. I feel your pain. At least you know that Fallout 3 will be a viable game that will be around for a long time, like Oblivion. I tend to concentrate on games i play mutiplayer first, then solo games.

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