New Phone.


Shared on Wed, 11/05/2008 - 11:41

Cell phone stuff
I <3 ATT
So I ended up getting the Sony Ericson that I listed below from ATT.  I must say I have never had a problem with ATT/Cingular's customer service reps.  The clerks at the store are occasionally idiots, but when you call in on the phone to their customer service you can tell their first language is english and that the reps are instructed to do whatever they must to make you happy.  In the past when we went over in minutes and owed 150 bucks they removed the charge and just moved us to a better plan and explained I can go back to my normal one next month.  I needed a phone and wasn't applicable for an upgrade they gave me a free upgrade anyway.  Tons of stuff like that has happened with me and Cingular since I first started using them some where around 1999.  I had to use alltell for 2 years in that mix and absolutely hated them. 

The new phone.
Loving the new phone so far.  It has one of those gravityometer things so when I tilt it the screen switches and it has some sweet games using that feature.  It has really good sound quality, takes great pictures, and is just all around a nice phone.

I can't figure out how to email pictures.  I am cheap and don't have unlimited text messages so I don't want to send pictures via MMS, but I have unlimited data so if I can email them or upload them through a site that would rock.  So I still yet have been able to figure that out.

Halo Gaming.

I played with Caesar, Risen, and Ekkesiv for a week or so and though it was cool getting to know them it didn't work out.  It sucked that it didn't work out, but it opened the opportunity up for me to play with F1R3 and Neks0ne again, which is great.
When I first started really playing competitive halo those were the guys who helped me learn the does and don'ts and got me moving from a guy who had a decent shot to a guy who can play with a team.  I have played with a ton of competitive guys, but a big difference with them is that you have a great time even when you lose.  I have never heard F1R3 or Neks at the end of the game tell our team or the other team, the connection is what decided the outcome of the game.  It is always just good game, and then moving on.  So needless to say I am having a blast playing with those two guys and Whoever (that is his tag and it makes things confusing when you try and post about him).  It's a great group of guys to hang out with and we have had some really good initial success.  So win, lose, or lag I am looking forward to the site's tourneys and just online customs and MLG MM again.

For those of you who are wondering, yes Squadbattle is still my girlfriend on the side even if I am enjoying MLG again.  So feel free to hit me up with invites if you want to do either.

The Ella.
She cracks me up.  Always.
She is jabbering like crazy and talking all the time.  She moves her voice up and down like she is saying words and emphasizing certain ones.  She has taken 10 steps in a row and is trying to learn to walk so she can chase down one of her best friends, our dog.  She learned to open his cage the other night which is not something she should know how to do.  But I thought I left it open and she was trying to crawl in there so I walked over and pulled her out and closed it then she just grabbed the handle and opened it right back up.  She says Dada when she is happy and laughing and says Mama when she is angry or grumpy.  So Mom isn't a big fan of that but it sure makes me laugh.  Ella would also like to thank ACORN for helping her register to vote. 

Ella with her voting sticker on


Neks0ne's picture
Submitted by Neks0ne on Wed, 11/05/2008 - 11:46
Att, does have some special ones working in their retail stores...I do love my iphone though! Always a good game when CMA is in the room... You are like a Halo, Jack of all Trades! GGs heh.....Kids are for suckers! Dogs FTW j/k
MTK005's picture
Submitted by MTK005 on Wed, 11/05/2008 - 11:47
I endorse all baby voting.
CMA's picture
Submitted by CMA on Wed, 11/05/2008 - 11:49
I am not Obama but I am sure he endorsed MTK's message. :)
dkhodz's picture
Submitted by dkhodz on Wed, 11/05/2008 - 11:59
CMA, you're always a pleasure to game with. Glad you're enjoying your group! Wish I could flip a switch that would prevent me from making dumb decisions in Haloz...
CMA's picture
Submitted by CMA on Wed, 11/05/2008 - 12:07
that switch for me was usually Netw3rk or F1R3 saying "CMA what the heck are you doing" LOL
lostsupper's picture
Submitted by lostsupper on Wed, 11/05/2008 - 13:03
Both Flickr and Photobucket offer mobile uploading. Register a free account and you'll be provided an upload URL and/or PIN.
CMA's picture
Submitted by CMA on Wed, 11/05/2008 - 13:08
photobucket you have to mms the photo in I will try flicker though, thanks for the lead.
CMA's picture
Submitted by CMA on Wed, 11/05/2008 - 13:50
flickr works. u rock!
meemoos's picture
Submitted by meemoos on Mon, 12/15/2008 - 22:29
You must not mean Eksessiv a.k.a. Bobby. He join'd a cult and has left gaming for ever

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