I went down on Ice today


Shared on Wed, 11/26/2008 - 22:39

I was heading to work this morning around 0815. Nice morning ride, cool, sun low on the horizon still. I got off the highway at exit 200 (i think, the one just south of Tulalip Casino for those of you in Washington). Anyway, I waited at the light and as it changed I turned left and headed over the overpass. I was in the left lane and was moving to right when the bike started to slide on black ice. I tried to countersteer but that only forced the bike over on to the left side. It came down on my left leg pinning it between the horn assembly and the pavement. Apparently I smacked my head pretty hard on road as the guy driving the truck behind me told me later. My bike and I slid about 10 feet on the ice and I remember I couldn't get my leg from under the bike and I was getting nervous as I pictured cars coming up behind me.

The guy in the truck (Dan, Vietnam Vet and a hell of a nice guy). Stopped his truck crossing both lanes which held up traffic for me. He helped me right the bike and push it over to the side of the road. I took check of my body. Felt alright for the most part. Left leg was hurting but I could put weight on it and move my toes so good to go there. I looked over the bike. I sheared off the shifter knob at the bolt and bent the shifter lever about 90 degrees down. Also some minor scratches on the derby cover and mirrors. Other than that I came out ok.

Later in the day my leg was really hurting so I decided to go to the docs to make sure everything is ok. They took an Xray and no break but I was told that this injury is text book for something called Compartment syndrome (I think) anyway it supposedly is when the injury is compressed so much that the swelling and bruising has nowhere to go. Could cause nerve damage. So I am watching for those signs. Nothing so far.

I am bruised up pretty good but other than that no major issues. i will post pics once I pull them off the camera.


sicrik's picture
Submitted by sicrik on Thu, 11/27/2008 - 02:34
Glad you wern't hurt
BourneJ's picture
Submitted by BourneJ on Thu, 11/27/2008 - 22:12
Am glad you are safe. And it is good there was someone that was alert near you to help you and keep you safe.
VenomRudman's picture
Submitted by VenomRudman on Fri, 11/28/2008 - 15:50
Glad to hear you're okay, that's a scary thing!
Baine's picture
Submitted by Baine on Wed, 11/26/2008 - 23:04
Check my comment in the CN threads bro.

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