November Gaming


Shared on Sun, 11/30/2008 - 10:07

So last night was a gaming moment in the household.  I watched my wife finish the main quest in Fallout 3.  It was pretty awesome.  The good news is that now I am not in a rush to do that main story line.  I want to really explore the world and see what i out and about in the area.

I have been playing motorstorm pretty religiously.  I am about 75% thru the game.  I don't know if I have what it takes to beat this game tho.  The races have gone from enjoyable to painful.  It can take me up to an hour of trying to win a race.

I have had a lot of "pain" in gaming lately.  I have been playing monster hunter 2 every sunday with friends this entire year.  I can't play that game by myself anymore.  It is too HARD!  I want to just relax when I play games.  MH2 has turned into a second job for me!  It is still awesome fun when I play with my friends, but the single player game is just too taxing for me too enjoy it anymore.

My psp group has decided to skip MH2 2nd G b/c we do not want to start over.  We are going to take up phantasy star for psp in march tho.  I wish their were some other good co-op games for psp besides monster hunter.

Lastly, I have been playing one of the most Amazing games of 2009.  Killzone 2 is for every pc gamer turned console gamer on  this site.  It reminds me so much of counterstrike, but with amazing console graphics.  Kills and patience are king in this game.  The thing that turns me off of 99% of all FPS games is the lack of importance you have in a round.  KZ2 takes care of that issue for me.  In KZ2 you are rewarded for taking your time and setting up the perfect shot.  You are rewarded for using strategy and tatics in a fight.  You set up firelanes, you flank, you work together, or you die.  There are going to be a lot of timmies who really freak-out when they play this game online.  They won't understand why they need to be nice to each other in order to advance in the online arena.

So thats it for now.  I will play the snot of out KZ2 today, just b/c the beta ends tonight.  For Christmas I am asking for Mirrors Edge, Star Ocean 1, and maybe midnight club LA for psp.  Anyone have any other suggestions?



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