OH WELL............................


Shared on Wed, 12/03/2008 - 18:03

I've done all I know to do and still havd the RROD. I have it in it's coffin..........er I mean box to ship it off to the hospital to get better. I still thank God for the spare but i feel kinda naked, (not a sight to behold, trust me), with just the one. The thing that scares me is if it happens again I'll do something drastic and go PS3. Not that Sony is bad, I just don't want to buy all my games over and downsize in picture quality. We have the extended warranty on both but I've heard thats even a nightmare. Do I buy a refirb as a third spare or just take my chances? I set up the XBOX downstairs so we can both still be online at the same time but it's not the same. My pre-order copy of Prince of Persia didn't come in today as well so I bought Sean White Snowboarding for the PSP. I just hope it's better than the reviews it's gotten so far. I can't help but be bummed. I think I need a cookie and a hug


Guardian's picture
Submitted by Guardian on Wed, 12/03/2008 - 18:44
Don't go Sony, man. I know it sucks, but like you say, you have a spare. It shouldn't take too long to get it back. Mine died last summer, but I haven't had any problems with it since At least Microsoft is standing behind their product and repairing it. And what you need is a beer and a slap on the ass... just not from me. Talk to your wife about that one. If not, it looks like the woman in your background would be happy to comply.
revslow's picture
Submitted by revslow on Wed, 12/03/2008 - 18:59
Good advice but being diabetic I can't drink. Yes the wife will be happy to provide the slap on the ass as soon as she finds a suitable weapon.
Guardian's picture
Submitted by Guardian on Wed, 12/03/2008 - 19:19
Then make it a root beer, or a non-alcoholic brew.

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