Play Doom I in your browser


Shared on Thu, 12/04/2008 - 16:29

Man does this bring back memories. I played HOURS of Doom on my 386DX. It's one of the only games that actually ran correctly on that P.O.S. I used a joystick and keyboard and could fly through that game. In fact, if my wife was watching over my shoulder, she'd get motion sick.

Now, you can play Doom in Flash. And it looks just like the original. Amazing.

Play Doom I


Snuphy's picture
Submitted by Snuphy on Thu, 12/04/2008 - 16:51
Wow. That really takes me back. My brother and I blew hours playing this game on a pc. One guy would run to the kitchen for beer while the other played. Then we'd switch. My sis-in-law still dreads the sounds the monsters make. Excellent fun. Thanks for the link. Already tried it out and sent to my bro.

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