Left 4 Dead? More like Left Off Orange Box.


Shared on Wed, 01/21/2009 - 18:17

OK, so here's my review... in one sentence:

It's a great expansion to Orange Box.

Remember Orange Box? All those great stand-alone games that didn't really have a plot; but were damn fun, nonetheless? This is like that. The graphics are fantastic; a nice marriage between Half-Life and Team Fortress. The gameplay is repetitive at times; but I'll get deeper into that in a minute. The game itself is short and, like Halo 3, is better thought of as a decent campaign used to teach you the techniques needed for when you play multiplayer. Unfortunately, multiplayer is basically 4v4 playing of the campaign, taking turns being survivors and infected, and playing each level twice.

Now when I talk about repetitive, I mean that there isn't much to this game. For the survivors, gameplay goes something like this;
Run more (or maybe sneak and then run).

When you play campaign, as a survivor, you make your way through completely interchangeable hallways, buildings, streets, sewers, hospital floors, and alleyways trying to get to a "Safe-house." The atmosphere is great, the graphics are really good; but, in all honesty, none of the levels really feel much different from the others. Instead of navigating through a house and some alleys, I’m navigating through a hospital and some hallways. Instead of sprinting across a parking-lot to find cover behind some car, I’m sprinting across train tracks to duck into a train car.

I will say this though, the explosions look fantastic. At one point I was moving across a parking-lot, with my “team,” when we were attacked. Someone fired off a few loose shots and blew up a fuel depot on the other side of the lot. Even the people playing the infected stopped to see it. It looked that good.
Zombies are abundant, some can be avoided by turning off your flashlight, most are pretty easy to kill with a few well placed shots… and then... there's the mother-fuckin' horde. In addition the normal zombies you have large masses of fast moving npc-zombies that appear when you reach certain areas or trigger them by doing something stupid... like shooting a car until its alarm goes off.
As an aside, your teammates really won’t like it when you intentionally shoot cars “just to see what will happen.” After that, they’ll be less likely to heal you when your controller stops working and you can’t do it yourself. Oh, and doors are meant to be closed upon the entering/exiting of a room. It’s generally frowned upon when you shoot apart a door “to get a better shot” only to find that bottlenecking isn’t really a problem for zombies. Oh, and remember that fuel depot? Yeah, things like that might also attract the mother-fuckin’ horde.

For the infected the gameplay is a bit different. You have four types of zombies. The basic attack is "claw;" but each zombie has a type-specific attack. Boomers are fat, slow, and their secondary attack is a vomit stream. It’s pretty cool; but it takes forever to recharge. On the plus side, bile attracts… them mother-fuckin’ horde. However, it’s totally awesome to sneak up behind the survivors and position yourself that when you explode you shoot bile over all of them. 
Hunters sneak around, are nimble, and can lunge at you (screaming some God-awful scream in the process).   I really liked this “class” because my surprise lunges usually induced screams of shock and frustration from tweens across the country. Thankfully, that’s as close to a member of NAMBLA as I’ll ever become. 
Smokers look like regular zombies; but shoot some ridiculously long tongue thing that grabs you, chokes you, and pulls you away from the group.  I got an achievement for pulling a guy more than 100ft... and I didn't move from my original spot. They’re not as nimble as the hunters; but they’re still able to gain access to most places. The only downside is, like the hunters, once you attack you become an extremely easy target and usually die fast.
The last type is the Tank. He's huge, relatively fast, dishes out A LOT of damage, takes A LOT of damage and, I think, is randomly assigned to someone once per round. I haven't played as him yet; but I'm sure it's fun. He’s a bitch to kill, and you feel like you’ve accomplished something when you do; but his shoulder-charges are pretty easy to avoid and if you keep moving he becomes more manageable.

There are, however, downsides to the zombies. You can't spawn too close to the survivors, you can't spawn when they can possibly see you, and the respawn time is horrendously long. By the end of my turns as infected I would spawn, attack someone, maybe dish out some decent damage, get myself killed, and then spend 30 seconds respawning. That first bit would happen in the course of about 10 seconds. There is definitely something wrong with a game when I sit for 30 seconds just to die within AT MOST 10 seconds.   I’d like to see VALVE patch this. I know it’s to help keep things relatively balanced; but 30 seconds is almost an eternity.
I’ll have to admit, I played this game on a console (Xbox360); but I’ll hopefully be picking it up soon for PC. It’s not “better” on PC; but the friends I have who play it all play it on PC and this is definitely a game you want to play with your friends. I never got the non-keyboard/mouse FPS frustration; but that’s mostly because combat is close-quarters and even closer up.

So that's basically it. Aside from a few minor gripes, I think this is a great game. It's easy to jump into a game, it's fun, it's a little frustrating at times, and I definitely don't think it's worth $60. Maybe $40. But honestly, as a standalone game that is basically an addition to Orange Box, I'd feel frustrated paying that for the game.  Don't get me wrong, it's good.  It's really good.  But it's not cost-of-a-normal-game good.  For that, I'd need more substance and more multiplayer options.
(I'm not cheap; I just have high standards.)


NeoHalcyonV's picture
Submitted by NeoHalcyonV on Thu, 01/22/2009 - 09:09
@Falelorn Half-Life 2 doesn't count, it originally came out on it's own. HL2EP1 and EP2 looked great; but I never got to play them (long story). I'm talking about Portal and TF2. Both are great games; but there's not really a story of any sort... which is fine. Remember, the last time VALVe asked us to pay $60 for a game, we got two expansions, to an already great game/story, and two other really great games. This time, in my humble opinion, it feels like we're getting ripped off. L4D is a great game, don't get me wrong. But I just feel like there should be more to it.
Mulchinator's picture
Submitted by Mulchinator on Wed, 01/21/2009 - 18:53
First Blog Since August FTW!!!
Falelorn's picture
Submitted by Falelorn on Wed, 01/21/2009 - 19:09
HL2, HL2:Ep1, HL2:EP2 did not have plot? Maybe you should play them again. Plus L4D was released over a year after the Orange Box... so it wasnt really left out of the Orange Box.
naveeda's picture
Submitted by naveeda on Wed, 01/21/2009 - 21:37
Nice review man, i plan to pick it, in about a year or so :)

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