

Shared on Thu, 02/05/2009 - 21:06

So I'm sitting here tonight in between loads of laundry trying to get some time in on the bass.  Btw, I washed my wallet in the first load I did, so wtg me!

I've been in a bit of a funk the last few weeks with playing, mainly out of being bummed about quitting the band I was in.  Not that I regret the decision, I regret the fact that it came to having to quit.  I know my other drummer buddy has said he wants to get something together but he hasn't been exactly putting in the practice time so I'm not expecting much if anything on that end.  So I've been sitting here forcing myself to play most nights just to keep the chops up.  I've even gone through a few of the "wonder what I could get for my setup on Craig's list?" musings.  I've been told repeatedly by other musicians that its usually feast or famine with groups, so I just need to bide my time and be patient.

So tonight I went through the songs on my computer, determined to learn something new and keep myself interested.  I fucked around with Peace Sells a little, and for the life of me I can't get that entire intro down still.  I think its a mental block with the timing or something, because I KNOW I should be able to play that by now. but I can't get the timing on the last 2 quick notes in the middle of the riff.  So I gave up on that for the time being and moved on to Hotel California.  Buzz will probably laugh at me for this since I know he has this one down cold, but this is another one the timing is fucking with me on.  So after some more digging through my music collection, I finally settled on Twilight Zone by Golden Earring and learned that all the way through.  So yay me, another song in the books.  Then I ran through some of the stuff I wrote while I was with BME, fiddled with that and some new stuff I was messing with for awhile, and next thing I knew I had a good 2 hour session in.  So thats progress.

But I need some help here.  Are there any plug-ins for WMP with really good EQs that would let me isolate the bass?  That would help me a lot with songs like HC and some other tunes that I can't quite hear well enough to sort out.  My hearing isn't all that great so I need all the help I can get isolating the bass notes.  I won't say cost doesn't matter, but I don't mind spending a few bucks if its a good plug-in.  Any suggestions?


Buzz's picture
Submitted by Buzz on Thu, 02/05/2009 - 21:35
Me laugh ... no way. I've been learning Higher Ground by the Chili Peppers now there's a bitch of a song. haha I don't know much about WMP because I use my Ipod for most of my stuff. I used to use winamp back in the day and it always had an EQ built into it.
wilderz's picture
Submitted by wilderz on Fri, 02/06/2009 - 23:37
dude, I would love to learn an instrument. so stick with it. It's not like you are using it to pay your bills.
pp2's picture
Submitted by pp2 on Fri, 02/06/2009 - 06:55
I used to have WinAmp and the EQ was pretty basic, kind of like what WMP has as its default EQ. :(

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