Kwazy's Person of the Day


Shared on Thu, 02/12/2009 - 07:21

In a world where celebrities collect third-world babies like little toy dogs, here is a completely genuine act of compassion:

Salma Hayek nurses starving baby

If anyone on the planet can convince men that breastfeeding moms can have a sex life, it would be Salma Hayek. The beautifully busty actress, on a trip to Sierra Leone to support a tetanus vaccination project, nursed a starving baby she encountered while being filmed by ABC News. She did this, she told the camera crew, in part out of compassion for a suffering child, but also to help lift the stigma against breastfeeding in Africa, where men often think women can't have sex if they're still nursing. "So the husbands, of course, of these women are really encouraging them to stop," Hayek said.

But if breastfeeding is taboo in Africa, cross-nursing — in which one woman occasionally suckles another's baby — is taboo in America. While crunchy sites like have exploded with hundreds of giddy posts praising Hayek for promoting the cause of breastfeeding, plenty of online reactions were more squeamish. gave the YouTube clip its "biggest eyebrow-raiser" of the day award. (Read "Top 10 Pregnant Performers".)

Although donating breast milk is becoming more mainstream — Nadya Suleman's octuplets have been consuming donated milk — cross-nursing still conjures up the specter of wet-nursing, with all its class issues and antiquated notions about women's bodies yoked in service to others. The official word on cross-nursing, too, is still nix. It seems that no institution, even those that support milk sharing, is willing to endorse women who share their milk without a breast pump serving as intermediary. The Human Milk Banking Association of North America, which screens and distributes donated milk to hospitals across the U.S. and Canada, insists banked milk be pasteurized before being distributed.

"Babies benefit from human milk donated by other mothers when their own mother's milk is unavailable," La Leche League says in its cross-nursing and wet-nursing statement. But, the statement continues, one of the group's breastfeeding advocates "shall not ever suggest an informal milk-donation arrangement, including wet-nursing or cross-nursing."

La Leche's concerns include the possibility of transmitting infections, a decrease in supply for the donor's own baby, psychological confusion on the part of the infant, and the fact that the composition of breast milk changes as children get older.

But assuming Hayek wasn't at risk of contracting anything from the baby — who Hayek reported was healthy but whose mother simply had no milk — none of these caveats seem relevant. Hayek's emergency nursing more closely resembles Chinese policewoman Jiang Xiaojuan's heroic breastfeeding of several babies orphaned by the May earthquake, and few would argue she was anything but a lifesaver.

Sure, it's only one feeding, and that baby — who was born the same day as Hayek's daughter — will need a lot more milk to see him safely out of infancy. But perhaps Hayek's gesture will indeed make a difference to the breastfeeding cause in Africa. And if nothing else, the world's cross-nursers — long equated with wet nurses and made to feel shame for their hippie ways — suddenly have the most glamorous spokeswoman they could ever have imagined.


TheDastard's picture
Submitted by TheDastard on Thu, 02/12/2009 - 07:49
I would think that the risk of disease transmission from boob to baby would be higher than baby to boob. I don't see this as a big deal. Hayek did what she thought was right. Kudos. Now the La Leche folks...they get down right wacky (first had experience from when my wife had trouble breast feeding). I would think that pasteurization would be important for widespread use, although I don't have any problem with the using the artificial milk...both of my kids (6'2" 18 year old and 6'5" 14 year old) survived it.
J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Thu, 02/12/2009 - 08:30
artificial milk is really a pain in the a$$ compared to BF. I've done both. BF can be done anywhere, anytime... formula you have to worry about sterilizing bottles, putting the formula together etc. Also BF is free. Obviously I am a big proponent of BFing. I loved it. That being said: formula aint' poison. Gotta feed the baby anyway you can!
AutumnRocks's picture
Submitted by AutumnRocks on Wed, 02/18/2009 - 15:34
Good for her. I wish I had had someone to do all that boob work for me. That would have been convenient and nice.
Durty's picture
Submitted by Durty on Thu, 02/12/2009 - 08:54
Hopefully breastfeeding will become less of a controversial issue, both in Africa and The United States. What she did was the right thing to do, for her, and she shouldn't be catching any flack for doing something to help feed a starving baby.
NorthernPlato's picture
Submitted by NorthernPlato on Tue, 02/17/2009 - 19:04
well said, Kwazy. Personally, I'm a supporter of breast-feeding. I've seen it done in malls (in the food court, how appropriate :) ) and other public venues and my reaction has never been "ooo, breast!".

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