Which Clan??


Shared on Fri, 02/13/2009 - 12:49

 Got invited to join two separate clans. Problem?  Kinda. Both are a great fit for my personality. But I'm not sure I could keep up with both. The cool thing is both meet on different days. 2old2pwn meets TUE and THUR, and 2old4Timmy meets every MON, WED, and FRI. So theoretically  I could join both and one wouldn't interfere with the other. But I could be wrong. I think I'll try one out first, if it works out I might try to add the other later on.


Let's see what happens. They both might not accept me anyway. 


Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Fri, 02/13/2009 - 12:51
good luck, id try one clan first, cause even on the off clan days you will end up playing with clan mates anyway even though it isnt a designated clan day. but you could also do both to, its totally up to you.

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