Baldwin Scores Again!


Shared on Mon, 02/16/2009 - 19:56

And again and again....



M13a77's picture
Submitted by M13a77 on Mon, 02/16/2009 - 20:04
Buzz's picture
Submitted by Buzz on Mon, 02/16/2009 - 20:41
Yeah that was a funny skit.
pyr0lyZer's picture
Submitted by pyr0lyZer on Mon, 02/16/2009 - 20:57
I saw the first part of SNL, but missed this!! Good thing because my wife was sleeping next to me...I probably would have woke her up from laughter!
Hoplite's picture
Submitted by Hoplite on Mon, 02/16/2009 - 21:57
"Oh she's a natural, trust me."

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