Shared on Tue, 02/24/2009 - 06:58Someone responded on to my blog on our clan's forums that basically stated he could die happy if the story(see previous blog) had included a new tv. This is my response.
Funny thing you should mention tv's....
I belong to the Reward Zone at BestBuy and they will often send me emails listing their
latest specials. 4 days before Black Friday 2008, I got an email from them and embedded in
that email was a very small link to some "special" sales information. Turns out this was a
link to items that were going to be 'ticketed' because of the uber good deals BestBuy was
prepared to give on them. Basically you show up and wait in line and they come by and ask
what item you are there for and give you a ticket for it. They only have as many tickets as
there are items in stock at that store. So when they are out of tickets you know you don't
have to wait around for a chance to rush that item. Also the ticket holders know they are
guarenteed that item and so don't have to rush that item. A good system all around.
Problem is I'm not going to be in town over Thanksgiving and I don't want to wait all dang
night anyway for a deal.
The only thing I was interested in anyway was a new tv. My girlfriend and I had talked
about getting a new hd compatible tv when we joined the houses anyway, so we had been sort
of pricing them out and seeing what we wanted/needed to make everyone happy.
Fast forward 2 days later and it's the day before Thanksgiving and we(the aforementioned
girlfriend and I along with our boys) have arrived at my mothers house for Thanksgiving. I
hope onto my mothers computer and check the email and notice that BestBuy email still
sitting there. I click on it again and pull up the tv that is in the 'special' ticket only
section. I called over the girlfriend and showed her the tv and we both thought that would
have been a great deal but since we were out of town and had no way to get a tv back(there
is a Bestbuy in my mom's town) it was just not going to happen. Then she says "Do they
offer it online?" I check and the online offer is better than standard pricing but not the
'special' price. She say's "Well call them and see if they'll honor the price."
Then this:
BBRep: "Thanks for calling how can I be of service"
Me: "I'm looking at an email ad, blah, blah, will you honor the price I see on my screen?"
BBRep: "Let me ask my supervisor."
Me: "Ok."
BBRep: "Yes, my supervisor says we will honor the price you see in the ad."
Me: "With the free home delivery?"
BBRep: "Yes, the home delivery and the setup as well if needed."
Me: "Hun, they say they'll honor the price with free delivery."
Her: "Buy it."
Me: "Yeah but thats a lot of money, and I know we've talked about it but still..."
Her: "Buy it."
Me: "Yeah but..."
Her: "Look we talked about doing this anyway, so it's getting done a few months earlier than we had thought, just buy it."
Me:-to the BBRep- "Ok, we'll take it."
Her:-as she is walking out of the room- "Oh, and put it on my credit card."
Me: -yelling- "I love you!"
Me: "I'm looking at an email ad, blah, blah, will you honor the price I see on my screen?"
BBRep: "Let me ask my supervisor."
Me: "Ok."
BBRep: "Yes, my supervisor says we will honor the price you see in the ad."
Me: "With the free home delivery?"
BBRep: "Yes, the home delivery and the setup as well if needed."
Me: "Hun, they say they'll honor the price with free delivery."
Her: "Buy it."
Me: "Yeah but thats a lot of money, and I know we've talked about it but still..."
Her: "Buy it."
Me: "Yeah but..."
Her: "Look we talked about doing this anyway, so it's getting done a few months earlier than we had thought, just buy it."
Me:-to the BBRep- "Ok, we'll take it."
Her:-as she is walking out of the room- "Oh, and put it on my credit card."
Me: -yelling- "I love you!"
They had an open delivery date only 6 days later.
Oh, the tv...Samsung 52" LCD 1080p.
Reg price: $2499. Original online price: $2299. Ad price: $1499
Reg price: $2499. Original online price: $2299. Ad price: $1499
Having a kick ass girlfriend: PRICELESS
True story (though I should probably add that she wanted it on her card 1)because she knew I'd immediately pay her the cash and 2) she wanted the miles, heh.
She's amazing.
- Raider30
ps: She asked if we could play Halo again last night and she wanted to actually play online
rather than campaign. She killed 3 people in a multiteam slayer match last night(woot!).
- Raider30's blog
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Submitted by ATC_1982 on Tue, 02/24/2009 - 07:17