Shared on Thu, 03/12/2009 - 06:07The date for the LAN has finally been announced. Now I have to figure out how to get the time off from work to be there. My new manager is not making friends and influencing people. She's cancelled all time off for August. She's making changes that we are not tolerating well. Or even paying attention to. She is not respected or liked. And a few very important nurses are talking about leaving. It's bad. I just try to go with the flow, but everybody else's mood is affecting me. I am the one that everybody trusts, so I hear it all. And there is a LOT to hear. Enuf of that.
We all know doodi intends to spring V 3 in the somewhat near future. We have already had an art auction which was awesome and raised over $800 toward the rebuilding of 2old2play. Another way you can help is to get a subscription to the site. Granted, you do not have to ever donate money, time, or anything else to be a member, but I see a need, and maybe you do, too. I am a gold member, which means I donate monthly. I don't miss it, it just disappears from my paypal account. The link below is to the page, the mysterious page that is impossible to find, otherwise, that will give you more info.
- pearly_54's blog
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Submitted by ATC_1982 on Thu, 03/12/2009 - 06:57