I Can Haz Bonus


Shared on Tue, 03/17/2009 - 11:37

So the press and the intertoobs are all abuzz over the AIG bonus money.  I can't help but shake my head as the libs, and even some conservatives, get their collective panties all bunched up.  We're talking about less than 10% of the total money, stolen from the American taxpayers, and given to that company.  AIG already has 175 BILLION of our money!  And Congress and Obama want to get all bent out of shape over 165 Million? The problem is that those numbers are so big we've lost perspective of what they mean.

I don't know how many different people that 165 million gets divided between, but I do know this...If I'm a pro athlete looking for a new contract, I'd be very careful how I structured it.  This latest uproar simply proves what I've thought all along.  Liberals hate rich people.  Not the libs in power mind you, they are generally speaking all more wealthy than most anyone reading this.  They won't classify themselves as rich obviously, there's a whole percentage of people out there that they need to bleed dry first before they get to that point.  Make no mistake though, anyone whose doing better than someone else is a target in their eyes.

I'm so sick of the last 12 months worth of politics by these jackasses, both sides, that I've given serious consideration to starting a website called ThrowThemAllOut.com  Then I found out there already is one.  I don't know how active it is, but we need to start over.  Democrat, Republican, I don't care.  Next vote from me will not include 1 single incumbent.  It's the only way to take back this country without taking up arms, and I'm guessing there's a movement out there already considering that.  I sure as hell hope more people do the same.  If you're in the Green Party, Libertarian, Constitutionalist or whatever, you're time may be now.  There's no real hope left for the rest of these jackasses.


TheDastard's picture
Submitted by TheDastard on Tue, 03/17/2009 - 11:49
It's just populist rhetoric designed to deflect attention from what DC is doing. I agree, all incumbents need replacing. I don't care if Cletus wins the election. He cannot screw up any worse then our current royalty. But alas...the only hope is to get people to pay attention. If the reaction on this site is any indication, people just don't care.
ekattan's picture
Submitted by ekattan on Tue, 03/17/2009 - 11:51
It's not the quantity of the money per-say but why should you reward people when this institution lost 60 billion in it's worst quarter in history? This greed is what has brought the collapse of Wall Street and it's this greed that the government wants to stop.
MikeTheKnife's picture
Submitted by MikeTheKnife on Tue, 03/17/2009 - 12:07
Cletus has my vote
TheDastard's picture
Submitted by TheDastard on Tue, 03/17/2009 - 12:08
ek...true, but I heard most (if not all) of the folks receiving the bonuses are not the ones who ran it into the toilet, but took over when the bailout was forced on AIG and actually have been doing a credible job.
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Tue, 03/17/2009 - 12:14
The money is contractually obligated to the people who received them. Not that i think that makes it right but if AIG is legally contracted to give bonuses then what can you do about it. The contracted bonus shit needs to stop, if your company is doing shit why the fuck should you have to pay out a bonus?
ekattan's picture
Submitted by ekattan on Tue, 03/17/2009 - 12:23
From USA Today: "... the company that last month posted the largest corporate quarterly loss in history, $61.7 billion" "Most of the money is going to executives in the unit that sold risky credit default swaps, the contracts that caused huge losses for the insurance company."
MTK005's picture
Submitted by MTK005 on Tue, 03/17/2009 - 13:18
There have been recent studies that show that once the dollar figure reaches 1 million, people lose the ability to actually conceptualize how large it is. that is to say, most people would recognize that a billion is more than a million, but they cant differentiate beyond that, the amount is too staggering.
OrzoKhan's picture
Submitted by OrzoKhan on Tue, 03/17/2009 - 14:10
I agree man! This country kinda needs to start over. I try not to be extremist but I don't know of one politician who supports us (We the People) and what we want or think. So much for taxation without representation!

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