Shared on Mon, 03/30/2009 - 10:50I saw the Chun Li: Street Fighter movie finally this weekend. Basically because it was the only thing playing when we stopped into the theater. It was a typical video game movie and I thought it was pretty boring. So to keep myself interested of course I started looking for problems and inconsistencies.
This movie has one of my favorite mistakes ever. It seems the main bad guy, who you may know as M. Bison, was the son of irish missionaries in Bangkok. Fair enough so far. The parents either died or abandoned him, I don't remember which. But the point is, he was abandoned in Thailand as an infant. I know this because they show him in a crib in the orphanage.
When we see the grown up M. Bison, he speaks with a VERY obvious Irish accent. And it's weird because I have seen the guy on Band of Brothers and Desperate Housewives among other things and he doesn't have one. So it sticks out.
This may or may not be the canon story of M. Bison from the games, I have no idea. I don't remember the story. But I'm pretty damn sure the guy would not have an Irish accent, regardless of who his parents were. It made the rest of the movie quite funny, any time he would pop up and over-irish his lines. That's pretty much all I got from the whole damn movie.
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Submitted by Banjocut on Mon, 03/30/2009 - 11:07
Submitted by MikeTheKnife on Mon, 03/30/2009 - 11:58