

Shared on Mon, 04/13/2009 - 18:22

I just wanted to follow up my last blog with some clarification about what I wrote.  Yes, I wanted her fired!  And, no, I don't feel sorry for her.  I feel sorry for ANYBODY that is stupid enuf to make blatant mistakes that are so bad that they are not only fired, but escorted out of the building.  And, I have no idea exactly what this nurse did, other than pre-charting, but it was obviously very bad, enuf so that she was indeed fired today, but not escorted out.  She was made to leave immediately, tho, which I found to be quite satisfying.  I now know more of the story.

In nursing, at least every place I've ever worked, when you screw up, you are given a few chances.  First, you get a verbal warning with counselling.  Then, you get a written warning.  Then, you may be sent home without pay for whatever length of time is the policy.  Then they may fire you.  I was able to find out that all of this was done, to the letter, and according to hospital policy.  I guess what I objected to was skipping steps and just firing her, but I now know that she has endangered the lives of patients, no steps were skipped, and she is gone.  I am sorry if some of you got the impression that I was willing to give her more chances, or even allow her to finally kill someone.  Not at all!  But, privacy is a big thing, and we just didn't know how bad it was.  I actually watched as she was dragged to the director's office, and then watched as she got her stuff and left.  Stunned?  A little.  Glad she's gone?  YES!!!!

So, this experience has been an eye opener for every single nurse that works in my clinic.  Some are scared.  Some feel like big brother is watching.  Some are even confident enough to know they are safe.  I would be one of those.  I don't cut corners, pre-chart, or in any way endanger the lives of my patients.  I am conscientious, double and triple check everything I do, and make very few mistakes.  Note that I did not say I never make a mistake, cuz I am human, and we DO make mistakes.  But, I try hard and I am appreciated for what I do.  That's all.


J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Mon, 04/13/2009 - 19:02
I know you, and I know what you were trying to say in your last blog... no worries! Sounds like they did the right thing. Sometimes it's hard to think about htings like this, but usually (if management is good) then the warnings are for the benefit of the employee... Like let's say you screw up. Okay: you get help: counsilling. Maybe you were taught wrong, maybe things changed... whatever. Okay now you know. Written warnings are SUPPOSED to be written so that you are kinda sorta on probation for a certain time. Then on to leave and firings. Anyway... sounds like the system worked. And worked really well because no one knew she was on thin ice except for the people who had to know. Everyone was protected.
meemoos's picture
Submitted by meemoos on Mon, 04/13/2009 - 19:36
I understand the lingo-- People have to work in healthcare to really know what goes on--before they can judge us/them. Healthcare workers put up with alot of---and patients really don't understand all that we do. No excuses for bad care, but I bet "pre-charting" is common place. LOVE A NURSE TODAY!!
J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Mon, 04/13/2009 - 19:54
holy crap... JayCat... learn to spell... or at least to correct your typos...; GAWD
Durty's picture
Submitted by Durty on Mon, 04/13/2009 - 20:10
Firefox, J-Cat, Firefox!! It has this nifty spell checker that checks every single word you type...awesome for the times our fingers accidentally strike the wrong characters. :D And don't worry, Pearly....we got your back, and we know what you meant. Much love.
Banshee3's picture
Submitted by Banshee3 on Mon, 04/13/2009 - 21:41
The recession has diminished the amount of patience I can afford for stupid people. And has increased my spending of "mean".
pearly_54's picture
Submitted by pearly_54 on Tue, 04/14/2009 - 05:36
@Banshee: mean? never! @all others...thx, ur all toooo sweet. Thx for understanding.

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