Baby's first Sports Injury!


Shared on Fri, 04/17/2009 - 09:55

No, Not Erica.... ME!

I was doing yoga a while back, doing a low push up when I felt a twingein my tricep. I stop what I was doing, stretch think nothing of it. Wednesday night at class, right at the end... twinge. Ok... take it easy the next few days and I should be fine, right?

Well this AM I notice a LUMP where I felt the twinge. Tricep near the elbow. WTF? I did nothing last night?!

Except be a MORON! Erica is dumping her milk and water both at home and daycare. In fact today at daycare I will bet that she is going to go to timeout. Anyway I figure that if she needs to dump water, we'll do it in the appropriate way: outside with playcups. I fill up one of those big rubbermain totes with warm water bucket by bucket in the kitchen. Erica thought this was very amusing... she probably knew what was coming.  See I try to lift the sumbitch.  Any clue how heavy a giant tote of water is? Erica is 30lbs and I can lift her without thinking... this I could barely DRAG across the kitch floor. I manage to get it outside... no wonder I am hurt today!

I'm JayCat: and physics is hard*.

So I am here with an ice pack. Super fun times. Any suggestions other than ice on ice off?

* I got a D+ in advanced physics in university. I passed and all the boys who were there for engineering failed: suck it!


happ's picture
Submitted by happ on Fri, 04/17/2009 - 10:11
Asprin/Ibuprofin and some Icy Hot/Ben Gay would be my best suggestion. Take it easy, at least with that arm.
Lbsutke's picture
Submitted by Lbsutke on Fri, 04/17/2009 - 10:44
On the pain scale of 1-10...1 being achy workout pain to 10 being toe nails ripped off with pliers...Where does your pain level for your tricep fall?
J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Fri, 04/17/2009 - 12:02
@LB... that's the thing: no pain until I push up... maybe a 1

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