Community & Events


Shared on Wed, 04/29/2009 - 08:27

Hello folks, this is Waterborn, Community Manager here at My main role here is to organize community events for our members and to promote 2old2play to the greater gaming world outside of our site. In the past this has included a Gears of War 2 Community Playdate on XBL, guest appearances on podcasts such as GamersGarage and the ResetRadio, contests to give away cool gaming SWAG to our members and mixer events with other communities such as SFX_360. I am currently working with the members of the Press Corps and the 2o2p Admins to organized and promote the 2009 2old2play LAN, scheduled for August 7 - 9 in Chicago. If you have not had a chance to attend this event in previous years, I strongly urge you to do whatever you have to do to make it to Chi-Town this year. Beg, borrow, steal, sell your children into indentured servitude (slavery is a bit harsh) or hock you neighbors car if you have to, but just get there. For an idea of what you have been missing, check out this video that Doodi & Co. made at the 2008 LAN: .

If there is an event or communtiy endeavor that you would like to see us organize here at 2old2play, send your ideas to me via a pm or by email to This is your community and I want to hear want you would like to see us do in the coming year. For updates on what is going on in with community events here at, keep an eye on the announcements forum ( or my blog at .

Also, as a member of the Press & Writers Corps, I frequently write articles about my favorite aspectsof the gaming industry - vintage consoles, classic coin-op arcades and all the cool and wacky things that made growing up in the 80's as a gamer a blast. Be sure to check the Front Page regularly for updates of my regular column Digitial Memories. I will cover a wide variety of topics that pertain to vintage games, classic coin-op arcades and the pop culture that surrounded the industry during the Golden Age of Video Games. Be sure to keep an eye on the Front Page for my upcoming interview with Bob Lawton and Gary Vincent, the founder and manager of Funspot and the American Classic Arcade Museum in Laconia, NH. Funspot is currently the largest arcade in the world as designated by the Guiness Book of World Records and will be the site of the American Classic Video Game and Pinball Tournament to be held from May 28 - 30. I will be covering this event for and hope to see some of you there. Who knows, you just might run into Steve Wiebe or Billy Mitchell, whom you may have seen in the movies The King of Kong and Chasing Ghosts. For more information on the American Classic Arcade Museum and the upcoming tournament, check out this story over at Twin Galaxies:


meemoos's picture
Submitted by meemoos on Wed, 04/29/2009 - 15:17
Nice Avatar!! ; )
dkhodz's picture
Submitted by dkhodz on Fri, 05/01/2009 - 14:31
It still looks like a woman giving herself a breast exam... but I have a pretty active imagination.
Waterborn's picture
Submitted by Waterborn on Wed, 04/29/2009 - 16:02
DOH! Is that all anyone is ever going to comment on in response to our P&W Blogs? BTW - I miss the old Avatar ;)

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